Page 41 of XO

“I thought so, too. But even when she isn’t traveling for work, she makes excuses to leave the house to get away from him.”

We both unwrap our burgers and start eating in silence. After a few mouthfuls, we continue the conversation.

“My dad is the complete opposite to yours,” he admits. “He’s a complete ass.”

“I’ve noticed,” I say gently because the way he treats his wife and son is appalling.

“Where your mom likes to escape, my mom is ordered to stay home. She has no friends except for Linda down the street, and we all know how batshit crazy she is, and your mom, but even their friendship seems forced lately.”

“Your mom is just so beautiful. She deserves so much more.”

“That’s what I keep telling her,” Jacob says, popping another fry into his mouth. “I wish to fuck she’d leave him already. She’d be so much happier. But then I wonder how she could survive without being told what to do. She’s so used to being forced not to think for herself anymore.”

It’s no secret Jacob and his father don’t see eye to eye. In fact, his father has no qualms to ‘teaching his son a lesson’ whether it be behind closed doors or out in public. On many an occasion, I wish someone would step in and teach Mr. Lynch a lesson. But the way he treats his wife is just like a bully would his target. Except this has been going on most of their married life until it’s just become second nature.

We lean back against the tank as a sheet of orange lines the sky, various shades of pinks and purples slash across what’s left of daylight.

“How’s your burger?” Jacob asks, gently teasing because he simply doesn’t believe me.

“Better than yours.”


Holding out the quarter of burger left, I challenged him to a bite. “Do it. It’ll change your world. I’m willing to sacrifice the last few mouthfuls so I can witness it change your world. Go on.”

“That’s a huge statement.”

“And I stand by it.”

Dubiously raising his brows, he leans forward and takes a bite. He chews, face blank, giving nothing away. I wait and watch.

“That’s fucking delicious,” he finally announces, licking his lips.

I laugh in victory. “It’s my best-kept secret, so don’t go tell everyone.”

Jacob leans forward ready to take another bite of my quickly diminishing burger, but I’m quick to move it to safety. “Oh, no you don’t, buddy. This sucker’s all mine.”

“You’re a cruel woman,” he teases, while scrunching up his wrapper and clearing the mess between us. Scooting over, Jacob pulls me into his arms until my back is nestled against his chest, my head resting on his broad shoulder.

“There is no other place in the world I’d rather be, right now, than alone with you, up the water tank, watching a stunning sunset.”

His words leave me swooning.

This guyactuallylikes me.

Like, legitimately likes me. For me!

Nerd quirks and all.

Perhaps it’s more than justlike. Whatever this unexplainable phenomenon is, I want more of it.

“Here,” I say, holding up what’s left of my dinner so he can lean forward for a bite. “I could think of no one better to share my veggie burger with.”


Night falls, and we lose ourselves in each other. I fall in love with how our fingers perfectly intertwine. I relish the feel of his fingers grazing my cheek, how his lips trail a path down my neck, and the way he twirls the ends of my long, dark hair.

“I’ve always loved your hair, you know.”