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“You gotta open your legs,” Jase heckles his struggling groomsman, Max.

The wedding party sniggers and cheers at the endless stream of innuendos as Katy, a bombshell blonde, tries to pass the balloon from between her perfectly long legs to an awkward and slightly inebriated Max, who can’t seem to get a grip on himself, or life. They grapple each other for balance, hands unwittingly touching various parts of the other’s body as they fight to keep the game going. Having enough of his incompetence, Katy takes charge, thrusting forward until the balloon jams between his thighs. The room erupts in applause, and he turns to Amber—the second-in-charge bridesmaid—who appears more enthusiastic than most. She winks and parts her legs like a pro.

“She’s been waiting for this moment her entire life,” Vicki, the bride and my best friend, giggles into my ear. “However, I don’t think she ever expected it to be a balloon.”

I snort my laugh because Vicki and Jase have managed to find a bridal party that seems hell-bent on achieving their one objective—banging each other. And by the time the joint party had arrived two weeks before the big event, sexual tension’s in overload. And we still have the rehearsal dinner, hen and stag parties, then the actual wedding to go.

“It will probably be more pleasurable than what he’s got to offer,” I say loud enough over the music and raucous. Max, albeit incredibly handsome, is a renowned pothead, so Katy will have to find out the hard, ornot so hard,way.

“The only one left to partner up is you.”

I visibly cringe. “Not going to happen.”

“You say that now, but…”

“But nothing. I’m very much happy on my own.”

“That’s because you haven’t yet met Jase’s best man.” Her green eyes twinkle with mischief.

“And even when I do, my feelings will remain the same.”

She plumps her generous cleavage in the scoop neck dress she’s wearing. Vicki can easily pass as Dolly Parton in her heyday. Generous breasts, curves for days, tiny in stature and big Texas blonde hair, and she sure knows how to work every bit of it. “Girl, how long hasitbeen?”


“Don’t play coy with me. Tell me?”

“A few months.”

She rolls her eyes. “That means a year.”

“Eight months.”

She sighs. “That means two years.”

“Vicki, that’s—”

“I’m right, aren’t I?”


“That means yes.”

Damn, she’s good. “Fine. Eighteen months.”

“You’re gonna need to clear those cobwebs somehow.”

I playfully slap her arm. “There are no cobwebs, thank you. I’m a modern woman, and I can look after myself.”

“You need to challenge Amber for that balloon. You need it more than her.”

“Fuck you.” I giggle, feeling slightly affected by my fourth cosmopolitan.

Did she have a point?