“Better than any fantasy,” he says, smiling against my lips.
I brush the hair from his face. “Who would have thought this would happen?”
“Not me. But I’m not about to turn away fate.”
Jacob kisses my forehead before stirring inside me once more.
“I love you, Rosie Reign.”
“I’ve always loved you, Jacob Lynch.” Hearing those words, Jacob’s cock swells, hard and ready for round two. “I think I just found a sport you’ll like.”
Jacob chuckles and grins wickedly. “I don’t like it. I fucking love it,” he says, driving deeper until I cry with both shock and pleasure.
Oh… fuck… me!
It wasn’t the beautiful glow of sunrise that woke me. It wasn’t even the feeling of complete and utter contentment. Nor was it my body sighing in satisfaction. No, it’s the strong arm draped over holding me in place, one hand cupping a breast, and a hard cock pressing into me from behind. I smile, elated. Ready for round five. But instead of instigating more of what we’ve only just finished, I take a moment to soak it all in. To appreciate all we had to get through to find our way back to each other. To appreciate, that this time, Jacob isn’t going anywhere.
“You two finally come up for air?” Pete jokes, smiling as we enter the casual dining room at breakfast. Well, brunch at least. The group giggles, eyes wide as they watch us hand in hand, a stark comparison to how they’ve witnessed our somewhat turbulent interactions over the last few weeks.
I blush under their watchful gazes but can’t help but notice how everyone else seems to have gotten closer over the same amount of time. Amber claps excitedly while sitting on Max’s lap. Max grins with a mouthful of bacon, his hand somewhere up Amber’s skirt. Katy sits cross-legged on her chair, leaning back on Peter’s shoulder, and Jase and Vicki are practically feeding each other.
“Yes,” Max yells like college boy at a frat party. “There’s still a chance for a wedding party orgy.”
There’s a mix of giggles and groans. Jase, on behalf of the rest of us, punches Max’s arm.
Jacob pulls out a chair for me and kisses the top of my head when I sit. Vicki catches my gaze and winks, her dream of seeing Jacob and me together having come true. Over brunch we listen to the groups varying accounts of their partying exploits from the night before, and despite some subtle and hopeful questioning from the table, we manage to keep our night’s festivities private.
The rest of the day is spent according to the itinerary with Jacob and I adding some impromptu private time in between. In the middle of clay shooting, we ducked backed to the house where Jacob kicked the door to my room closed and fucked me hard over the desk chair. Then there’s the time in between croquet when we wandered into the gardens and among the hydrangeas, Jacob ducked under my skirt to perform my newest favorited act, ravaging me with his mouth until I’m weak and senseless.
We simply could not keep our hands off each other and even with my lady bits tender and exhausted, I still wanted to go another ten rounds with him.
By the time dinner came to an end and everyone broke off into their quiet groups, Jacob followed me back to my bedroom, and for the rest of night he made slow, passionate love to me.
Still hard inside me after just coming, he continues to hold my hands pinned above my head, gently thrusting because the man is addicted to the sound of my moans. He grazes my swollen lips, his finger drawing an X on my palm.
“I want you with me, Rosie. When all this wedding stuff is over, I want you with me, building the life we always dreamed about.”
I slowly draw my O, never wanting this moment to end. I smile, thinking back to how Jacob graffitied the inside of my locker door‘Jacob loves Rosie forever.’
He looks as handsome as he did on prom night. A tailored tux accentuating his broad shoulders and confidence. Jacob’s eyes soften when he sees me approach, my dress trailing behind.
“You look incredible,” he says, snaking a hand around my hips and kissing my cheek, cautious not to mess my makeup. I shiver at his touch, a sensation I never want to lose.
“So do you!”
I can’t wipe the smile from my face, drinking every inch of him in, the parts I can see and the those I’ve etched in my memory.
“Ah-hmmm,” Vicki quietly clears her throat, waiting in position to walk down the aisle that stretches from the French doors, across the patio, down the grand stone steps, and over the manicured lawn. “I mean, what am I? Chopped liver?” She giggles, weirdly calm considering she’s about to say her vows.
Grinning widely, Jacob steps forward, kissing her cheek. “You look like a princess, Vic. Jase is a very lucky man to have you.”