I swallow hard, breathing deeply, because although he’s not here to say it, I know Dad will be cheering that we’ve found our way back to each. He’d trusted Jacob in his most raw, tender, and vulnerable moment, and I have no doubt he’d be supporting us now.
“I’m ready,” I say with finality.
Drawing my hand to his mouth, he kisses it before pulling me close, grazing my lips in a way he knows leaves me swooning. Just having him so close and breathing him in gives me such a heady rush.
Jacob pushes open the double doors and within a microsecond of stepping over the threshold, screams from somewhere startling us both.
“You came back!” Like a vampire swooping from the ceiling, Vicki runs out of nowhere and envelops me in her arms then holds on for dear life.
“I told you I’d come back.”
“I know…” she says, squeezing tighter. “But you really did come back.”
I chuckle into her mass of blonde hair. “I’m sorry I freaked you out and upset you. That was never my intention.”
Vicki pulls away, looking cross. “I don’t need an apology, woman, especially not after seeing you in the state you were in.” Her expression softens, voice lowering to a whisper, “Is everything okay? You know I’m always here.”
“It will be, and I know now isn’t the time to discuss something so heavy, and… well… complicated. After you settle back in from your honeymoon, we’ll chat over wine.”
She pulls my hair over my shoulder and twirls the ends, her eyes glistening with emotion. “Do you promise?”
“I do.”
She looks hopeful. “And what about you and Jacob?”
I nod, thinking about the last twenty-four hours and what a crazy, emotional train wreck it’s been. “Jacob and I have some major healing to do. But we’re great. There won’t be any tantrums at the wedding or cold shoulders. We’re in a good place now.”
Vicki smiles in mischief. “You guys kiss?”
I laugh at her silliness. “We may have.”
She squeals with joy. “I knew it! I knew it would happen. The universe has finally pulled you two together again.”
I glance over her shoulder to where Jacob stands chatting with Jase by the French doors. My heart swells, and I know it’s a telling sign.
“That man loves you, you know?” she says almost dreamy.
I smile. “Yeah… I know.”
“Vicki? Amber? Where is everyone?” Knocking on each door, they all go unanswered as do my calls. “Jacob?” I knock on his door, only to get the same response.
“What the hell?” I check my cell. I’m not late. I’m five minutes early, so that means if they’re not in their rooms, I’m the last to finish getting ready. Tonight, we’re all heading to a small Italian restaurant in the country, followed by drinks. Wearing a cute yellow dress which hugs my breasts and blooms from the waist, I’m ready for what should be a relaxing night. Walking through the intimately lit château, I discover empty room after empty room and grow concerned.
“I haven’t watched enoughWalking Deadyet to deal with this shit,” I murmur quietly, growing suddenly concerned, skipping past dark enclaves and ominous shadows. After confirming no one is inside, except me, I step out into the warm night air and scan the patio and lawn. “Where is everyone?”
“Rosie,” Jacob’s voice sounds from somewhere.
I squint into the darkness. “Where are you?”
“I’m up here.” Looking up, I see him on the roof peering down at me, a beaming smile ear to ear. “Come up.”
My heart skips a beat, and as I run back inside and up the stairs, I feel like the girl from ten years ago whenever Jacob was near. Pushing through the door, he’s there, waiting under the glow of the fairy lights looking all kinds of sexy in his dark jeans and rolled-sleeved shirt. It’s unbuttoned just enough for my mind to wonder the rest. I step closer, feeling a warmth tingle my skin, my cheeks glowing.
There’s a peace about him as he stands before me. The conflict in his eyes has left, the burden he shouldered has been lifted. “You look stunning,” he murmurs, taking a long moment to admire what he sees.