“I’d be six foot under or have my body parts scattered across the Afghan desert. But this guy, he put his own life on the line to ensure I got home safe.” Jase wipes a tear from the corner of his eye, and I allow my own tears to freely fall. I had no idea about any of this, but it doesn’t strike me as unusual. Jacob always made sure everyone else was okay before meeting his own needs. But hearing another person’s testimonial, well, it’s like someone slowing ripping your heart to shreds.
“I soon realized that the marines were not where I was supposed to be, so I got out and started work with my father, which is probably where I should have been all along, and Jacob continues to be everyone else’s angel. That’s why you’re my best man, bro. Because you’re everything I always wanted to be, and you’re so damn fucking humble about it.”
The whole table is in tears, none of us ever hearing that story before. Jacob and Jase hug it out before Jase turns to his future wife and holds her for a long moment. My heart is simultaneously breaking and swelling.
Jase sits while Vicki remains standing, swallowing some wine for courage. She clears her throat and begins her own speech. “Amber, you’ve been my girlfriend since high school. Since the first day of gym when I accidentally palmed the volleyball into the back of your head.”
Amber uses her finger as air quotes. “Accidently.”
“And even to this day you still don’t believe me.” She laughs. “But we’ve been through thick and thin together. Crushed on the same boys,” Vicky says in an accusing tone while slapping Jase’s arm.
“What?” he laughs. “I can’t help if women fancy me.”
“And we’ve also had synchronized periods since the birth of our friendship, so instead of one of us being a bitch, it’s a double whammy. Love you, peewee.”
Amber mouths an ‘I love you’ back.
“Katy, girl, if anyone can pull Peter into line, it’s you. There’s no bullshit, and that’s what I love about you. Plus, I may still be a little scared of you.” Vicki laughs, but I feel like there’s an ounce of truth to her words. “You were there when I ran away from home, consoled me for an hour before putting me in your car and driving me straight back. You’ve always known what’s best, and for that I’m grateful you’re in my life.”
“Rosie,” Vicki says causing my heart to skip a beat. My cheeks flush as all eyes turn on me. “My sweetheart, my love, my soul. You were my first college friend who I met on day one. You were shy, reserved, and unsure. I was loud, in your face, and irritatingly happy. We had nothing in common and you owed me even less, but when you witnessed Professor Dickwad Ambrose blackmailing me into sleeping with him, you fought alongside me to get his dismissal, even when he very near destroyed both our reputations and promised to have us booted from college. You were my backbone, my driving force, the one who didn’t back down from the challenge, and you wore the humiliation that came with his lies. And we won. I won because of you. And that doesn’t even begin to describe how wonderfully talented you are, and giving, and just simply beautiful. You deserve an equally good man to sweep you off your feet.”
I look to my wine glass, feeling the heat in my cheeks intensify under the watchful stares of everyone at the table.
“I love you…” Vicki continues, “… and I couldn’t imagine getting through this next stage of my life without you.”
I meet her beautiful face. “I love you, too. Thank you!”
“Right,” Jase stands to join his wife-to-be.
I look away, accidentally catching Jacob’s gaze in the interim. Pretending to be unperturbed, I listen to the end of formalities.
“Enough of that mushy shit. Time for us to relax for the evening knowing we have a full day of planned activities tomorrow. Drink up and party on.”
The table guests break away preparing to carry on their festivities. By the time I’ve downed the rest of my wine, I see Jacob heading inside. Knowing where he’s going, I follow, my nerves falling apart.
I turn to Vicki who’s been watching.
“Go,” she mouths.
I will have to find a way to make this up to her. It can’t be fun seeing two members of the wedding party bringing their drama to every pre-wedding occasion.
Taking the stairs, I reach the top floor and push open the rooftop door. I’ve yet to explore up here, and I’m blown away to see how beautifully it’s decked out. With glistening fairy lights above, they cast a magical glow over the plush outdoor setting. In the middle sits a fire pit and a fully stocked bar to the side. I find Jacob leaning against the wall that comes up to his waist, his stare cast out to the mostly darkened beyond, illuminated by garden lights.
I stop just shy of him, crossing my arms against the cool breeze. “I didn’t know about that story,” I say, my voice shaking involuntarily. “About you saving Jase.”
Jacob gives a short laugh but doesn’t turn around. “He would have done the same for me.”
“You shouldn’t downplay your heroism. I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you,” he says, quietly.
“I didn’t even know being a marine was what you wanted to do. You never mentioned it in high school.”
“I, um… I guess I needed somewhere to escape, and the middle of a war zone just happened to be it.” He turns and leans against the wall facing me. “After Jase almost died, I moved out of the firing line and climbed the ladder so to speak. Now I’m aerial logistics. Well, was, I should say.”
“I left.”