“I know.”
“Did it ever occur to you that I needed you more than ever?”
“Of course.”
“In the same day, literally almost at the same time, the two most important men in my life decided to leave me.”
“I know.”
“And now you’re saying you have a completely reasonable explanation for it.”
“Reasonable isn’t how I would describe it. Fucked up is more like it.”
“I think we can agree on that.”
“We need to find the key, Rosie.”
“I. Don’t. Have. The. Key,” I seethe.
“Just please, please, search the wall again. Anything that feels slightly—”
“I promise you, Jacob. If ever I find this key, I’m going to shove it so far up—”
“Time’s up,” calls a cautious voice barreling through the main entry. “Sorry to interrupt your, um… lively discussion, but the others have finished their rooms, and you’re still stuck on the first obstacle.”
“Can you just get me out of this thing, please?”
“Sure can. I just need you to step aside.”
I frown. “Why?”
“Because…” Krissy bends down, shin-high to the ground behind me and pulls on the chain attached to my cuff. It pulls open a secret drawer, and inside lays—yep, you guessed it—the fucking key.
I turn to Jacob ready to warn him off any snarky remarks that he’s no doubt has been harboring this whole experience. But while his jaw twitches and he avoids eye contact, Jacob chooses not to engage in war.
And it makes me feel like shit.
Once my cuff is unlocked, I pull the handle to leave, but it won’t budge.
“You have to wait for me. I’m sorry,” the lady says, uncuffing Jacob. When she’s finally ready, she uses her small, blue light to punch in a code. When the door unlocks and as she opens it, I carefully brush past and stalk toward the front where the rest of the group stands waiting.
“You didn’t finish?” Vicki asks, brows knitted together. She spots Jacob over my shoulder, her wide eyes darting between us. “Oh… I see. Thisisgoing to be a long night.”
“Damn girl, where you putting all those?” Vicki asks after my fourth tequila shot. The party is continuing at Risqué, a club dedicated to joint bachelorette and stag nights. It’s ridiculously grand and opulent with a heavy dose of sex and far better than any regular club has to offer. Both male and female strippers take to the stage and frequent tables. While the wedding party seems caught up in the festivities, Jacob couldn’t seem less interested, even with the blonde bombshell doing her best to gain his attention with those overly generous, naked breasts. Pulling the lemon from my mouth, I signal to the barman for another wine.
“It’s keeping me sane.”
“What the hell happened between you two in that escape room?”
“Just a whole lotta truth and a whole lotta avoiding the truth.”
“Is Jacob gay?”
I snap my attention her way. “What? Why would you ask that?”
“Well, he doesn’t seem much interested in the set of tits and pussy practically sitting in his lap.”