Page 36 of XO

“Shit,” I mutter. I jump back in shock when something repeatedly bangs on the door. The noise is followed by a series of moans and groans, but it’s hard to place whether someone is throwing up in there, or having sex, or both.

Backing away, I take to the stairs in search for the upstairs bathroom. Once on the landing, I see the painting Andy mentioned. I still can’t quite believe it’s hanging in his house. It was one of my favorites, and one I was sure would sell.

“It’s beautiful,” comes a voice I strangely find comforting, even if he is mimicking a pretentious art critic. “It really encapsulates the essence of being, with a cataclysmic… something or other.”

I smile despite myself.

“Jacob,” Chelsea’s annoyed voice rings out from one of the many bedrooms.

Urgh.Here we go again.They both must have left the bonfire earlier than me for some


My smile quickly fades recalling the nastiness from both of them earlier in the night. But that becomes an afterthought as Jacob takes my hand and yanks me into a darkened room. In that microsecond, I see a none-the-wiser Chelsea pulling her top over her head as she steps onto the landing.

“Let go,” I whisper harshly, attempting to free my hand as he quietly closes the door behind me.


“Don’t tell me to shush! You don’t get to touch me with those hands after just fucking her. Did you even disinfect?”

“Jesus! I didn’t fuck her, Rosie,” he says, almost annoyed I’ve mentioned it.

It takes a moment for our eyes to adjust, but with the help of a small elephant nightlight glowing from the socket, I can just make out Jacob’s face, and he doesn’t look happy.

“Why get all defensive, it’s not like you haven’t.”

“Well then, this may surprise you, but Chelsea and I haven’t had sex.”

I scoff becausethatsimply cannot be true. The whites of his eyes haven’t moved which means he’s still staring while I piece the puzzle together. “You haven’t? Jacob Xavier Lynch, are you still a virgin?”

“No,” he hisses, cautious of us being heard. “I’m not a virgin. I just haven’t had sex with Chelsea.”

Now, I’m genuinely perplexed. “Why not? She’s beautiful. A super annoying, super irritating bitch, but the prettiest girl in school.”

“Maybe you see that, but… she’s not you, Rosie.”

Blood drains from my face.Did he just…?


“You’re the one I want, Rosie. Not her. Not anyone else. We’re just so caught up in avenging each other all the time that we… that I… never got around to telling you how I truly feel.”

“Are you lying to me right now because if you are, it’s far from funny, and could possibly be the cruelest joke you’ve ever played on me.”

Jacob cups my good cheek stroking his thumb. “You once asked me what my weakness is…” he pauses looking at me, “… it’s you. Rosie, it’s always been you. From the moment you walked across the street when I moved in, right now, to this moment where you’re standing only a breath away. It’s. Always. Been. You.”

Holy shit!

Jacob Lynch has fallen for Rosie Reign.

Nope. Nuh-uh. Not true!But what if it is?

Holy shit!

My brain momentarily leaves the building with his admission. “So… you don’t love Chelsea?”

“Fuck no.