I stand to leave, but his meaty fingers circle my wrist and yank me down onto the grass. “The fuck you are,” he grunts before landing on top of me. His giant body engulfs mine, and when I kick and attempt to buck him off, Kevin barely moves, pinning my wrists above my head with one hand while the other covers my mouth. To anyone watching, it would look like the rest of the field. Two horny teenagers going at it by the fire. I don’t expect anyone to come to my aid.
Kevin reigns in my legs until I become completely immobile. His erection presses into my groin, and I feel repulsed by the sensation. My wide eyes meet his, furious and beady, mouth forming a snarl.
“You think you can just up and leave after leading me on for so long?”
I muffle a reply about how delusional he is, but it’s incomprehensible.
“Don’t you owe me a little something?” For a hint I didn’t need, he grinds against me. “You can even pretend I’m Jacob if that’s what makes you wet.” He laughs, and I see red.
Squirming enough under his hold, I manage to sink my teeth into the meaty part of his palm. Gritting his teeth against the pain, nostrils flaring, he rips at my loose hair until my scalp is ablaze with pain. Tears brim, and I fight the pain as he does, but in this case, I’m the loser. I submit, albeit reluctantly releasing his hand only to be backhanded with it. The left side of my face smashes into the log we’d been sitting on, grazing my cheek.
“I didn’t pick you for a fighter, Rosie,” he taunts. “Or maybe this is all Jacob had to do to get you interested.”
Enraged, I swung my fist, throat punching the asshole. His face contorts like he’s dry-retching but in reality, he’s gasping for air. With both hands around his throat, he can no longer restrain me, and I’m able to roll away from his large frame in the direction of the fire. Scrambling to my feet, I look down at the boy who’d almost managed to fool me.
“You’re piece of shit, Kevin.”
“And you’re a fucking whore,” he gasps.
“Correction, that’s what you want me to be. But even if I were, you don’t treat any woman like that.”
His eyes blaze with a fury that rivals the bonfire. “I’ll destroy you, bitch. Just watch.”
Feeling unsatisfied with his suffering, I deliver my final blow. Swinging, my foot smashes between his legs enough to cause severe pain, but not too hard that I’ll destroy his chances of procreation. He makes a noise similar to a cow giving birth to an elephant and curls into the fetal position.
“Don’t ever threaten me again.”
If only he decided to be a gentleman, none of this would have happened.
I make to leave and catch the seemingly vacant stares of one of the stoners. His eyes widen in wonderment. “Whooo arrre yooou?”
Ignoring him because what does it matter, he won’t remember me in ten seconds, I turn to go the other way and see the threesome on the other log has indeed turned into a… threesome. Too caught up in their throes of passion, they never noticed what was occurring right next to them only moments earlier. Too bad, I could have done with a witness or two, just in case the asshole decides to run his mouth after all.
When I see Andy performing donuts in the golf cart to the cheers of a small gathering, I sprint across the grass in hopes I reach him before he takes others back to the house. I felt like a rodeo clown trying to dodge the raging and unpredictable bull, or in this case, the golf cart driven by a lunatic.
“Stop,” I yell, waving my hands at him. He slides to a halt and stares at me in concern.
“Did you go wandering off into the trees or something?”
He’s staring at my cheek. I touch it tentatively and even though I’m away from the fire’s glow, I see a shimmer of blood on my fingers.
“Something like that. Can you take me back to the house?”
“Hope on my ride, baby.” He pats the seat next to him, and realizing he’s harmless compared to dickhead Kevin, I jump in. “Hold on,” Andy warns, and I listen because I can smell the alcohol on his breath.
The trip back to the house seems like it takes forever. Mainly because Andy rambles away at a story which seems to have had no beginning or end for that matter. He sprinkles the narrative with a few jokes that, besides how my night has ended up, I find rather funny. When we pull up outside the house, I thank him and go to leave, but he grabs my wrist to stop me.
“You’re a pretty cool chick, Rosie. A bit weird, but cool.”
I smile because the dopey look on his face has rendered him a little endearing. The puppy- dog eyes and shaggy bangs don’t help. “Thanks, Andy. I could say the same about you.”
He winks and spins the buggy around before driving back into the darkness yahooing like he’s riding a horse from a country and western.
If someone doesn’t die tonight, it will be a miracle.
Ignoring those still loitering in the house having their own party inside, I search for the downstairs bathroom. Eventually I find it beside an office, but when I turn the handle, it’s locked.