Page 33 of XO

“It’s hanging in the upstairs hall if you want to check it out later.”

“I will, thanks.” I’m still miffed by the whole interaction when party-goers leave the gathering and come barreling over to the golf cart.

“Piss off, you lot,” Andy says, jolting forward in the cart to stop others from climbing in. “I’ll get you fuckers next time.” He turns back to us. “Come on, jump in.” Then he looks past us in the direction of the house. “Hurry up, assholes. You can come, too.”

I turn to see Jacob and Chelsea jogging over.

“Chelsea, you ride in front with me so we can make Jacob jealous,” Andy says, yet while Chelsea slides excitedly next to him, Jacob remains unfazed. “Hurry up and get in,” Andy says to rest the of us.

The seating arrangement in less than desirable. I’m sandwiched between two giant footballers, one who’s reveling in the contact, the other who couldn’t express his level of disgust any more than what he’s already doing. Kevin takes my hand in his and places it on his lap. Jacob turns to see and mutters a curse.

It’s a five-minute ride from hell before we pull up next to the bonfire. Heat tingles our skin, and the flames cast us in its glow. Once Kevin slides off the seat, I follow, keen to put as much distance between Jacob and me. Kevin, not picking up on the vibes, pulls me into his strong arms and plants a kiss on my forehead. Andy zips off in the cart, and the four of us are once again left together before Chelsea breaks the silence.

“Jacob, let’s go. These two have more important things they could be doing… to each other… without us here.”

While I welcome her keenness to be away from me, her suggestion of anything lewd occurring between Kevin and myself infuriates me. “I’m not like you, Chelsea, so how about you two go find yourselves a dark corner and pretend no one knows what you’re doing.”

She steps closer into what she probably considers a threatening move. “I know you’re nothing like me and thank fuck for that. Because I don’t actually care who sees me.”

I smile. “And thank you for re-enforcing my opinion of you.”

She frowns. “What?”

I roll my eyes at her level of stupidity.

“Just leave it alone, Chelsea,” Jacob says from behind his girlfriend, his own exasperation evident.

She looks to Kevin with disdain. “Have fun with whatever…” she waves a finger in my direction, “… this is.”

“You’re a bitch, Chelsea,” is all he remarks before taking my hand and leading me around the bonfire. Stealing a glance over my shoulder, I catch Jacob doing the same. Five steps and our eyes remain locked before the flames of fire come between us.

“That girl’s going to scratch your eyes out one day,” Kevin says with a laugh.

“She can try,” I add. “I may be a nobody in terms of school culture, but I’m not a pushover.”

“She’s threatened by you.”

“That’s ludicrous.”

“Why wouldn’t she be?” Kevin spins me into his arms, and I have to crane my neck to look up at him. In the orange glow, I see his eyes hooded with lust, his words carefully selected to woo me. “You’re a fucking babe if you haven’t noticed.”

I don’t know what to say because no one has ever called me that before, and I can’t help but wonder if his words are empty, spoken only to achieve his objective, or if they contain an ounce of sincerity.

“Come on, take a seat, I’ll get us some drinks.” Kevin leads me to a vacated tree log in front of the fire and disappears to find the drinks table. I watch a moment, feeling like I’ve been thrust completely out of my comfort zone. On the log to my right are two senior boys with a junior girl wedged in the middle. They each take turns whispering in her ears probably the same compliments Kevin gives me. She giggles and coos back to them believing every word. Of course, she would. She’s a junior in love with the idea that two good-looking senior boys are fawning over her.

To my left is a stoned group of four contemplating the earth’s atmosphere and existentialism—rather deep considering.

In stark comparison, behind me is a group of cheerleaders and footballers involved in a rowdy drinking game which involves the losers of each round stripping off another item of clothing. Some are obviously less skilled at the game than others with two girls and one boy almost completely naked, bare breasts and g-stringed asses acting as inspiration for the boys to win, and potentially cheat their way to victory.

My cell beeps as I watch those on the move search for friends or stumble drunkenly over logs. I smile when I see Nessie’s name on the screen.

Nessie:Tell me you’re alive and haven’t been thrown into a den of horny and hungry vampires?

Me:Horny vampires? What the hell are you reading?

Nessie:Interview with the Vampire is on telly and dad’s gone to bed.

Me:I don’t remember anyone being thrown into a den of horny vampires.