Page 19 of XO



“Dammit!” I spit angrily, shoulders slumping in defeat.

Nessie turns away from the textbooks she’s prioritizing for the day, and stares at me pushing her glasses higher on her nose. “What’s wrong?” she asks, spotting the paper slip in my hand. “What’s that?”

“It’s from Mr. Johnston letting me know he’s organized tutorial today. I must have missed it this morning.”

“Yuck. What time and where?”

“Eleven,” I say exhaling heavily. “And in the library study room.”

She checks her watch. “Well, you’re officially late.”

My calculus textbooks fall from the locker as I attempt to stuff my gym clothes inside. It lands at my feet, and as I bend to pick it up, I experience another roaring pain through my lower abdomen. Using the locker to steady myself, I close my eyes and inhale and exhale, officially looking forward to my appointment. Dad left a message on the counter this morning saying Dr. Symmonds is fully booked today but can see me tomorrow. “What do you mean?” I ask, wincing.

Nessie holds her wrist out so I can read her purple watch. “It’s ten past eleven, making you officially late for your first tutorial.”

“Why?” I ask the universe who’s turned a deaf ear to me. I slam my locker closed. “I’ll see you next break,” I yell over my shoulder while barreling through the horde of students milling around the corridor. Only a few minutes later, out of breath and enthusiasm, I ignore the no running signs in the library and barge through the study room door, the sight before me, causing me to halt in my tracks.

“What are you doing here?” I ask Jacob, who’s leaning back in his chair, hands behind his head, legs propped up on the table.

He pulls one arm free to look at his watch. “Posie, you’re late. I guess that makes us even then?” he quips referring to the hard time I gave him for arriving late to rehearsal.

“Not even the same situation.” My tutorials don’t affect his imaginary scholarship. “Why are you here?” I ask again. “I thought this was supposed to be one on one?”

Jacob hides his smirk while looking around the room. “I thought you needed help with calculus, not basic addition. Do you see anyone else here?” He leans forward lacing his fingers. “Turns out, Posie, I need you as much as you need me.”

There’s a strange feeling between my legs.

“I don’t think that’s the case,” I struggle to say. “I think you’ve confused the situation.”

“Don’t get your panties in a twist. Although truth be told, it seems like I’m the one helping you out on both occasions.”

“Don’t talk about my panties, and I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t actually need you for anything.”

He smirks, challenge accepted. “Explain the difference between differentiation and integration.”

Son of a…

“Exactly what I thought,” he proclaims, witnessing my blank expression. Leaning back, he points to the vacant chair in front of him. “Take a seat, Posie, and let me teach you a thing or two.”

I feel like I’ve been sucker-punched by the world. “You’re actually my tutor? Like, legit, and not setting me up for some Jacob Lynch style prank?”

“You look upset by this.”

Am I?

“I’m not upset. Just… surprised.”

“I’ll try not to be offended by such a comment.”

I roll my eyes. “Please! You don’t get offended by anything.”

“Because I’m too busy causing offense?”

This makes me chuckle. At least he’s aware of his vice. “Mr. Johnson didn’t say who my tutor was going to be. So, I’m a little shocked it ended up being you.”