Page 65 of Neverland

Chapter 17


I survived because of three mobster men.

That was something I didn’t think I’d ever say. But it turned out, Sol, Charles, and Xavier were ready to settle the deal with Dominic, and in doing so, had requested my presence. This request seemed to rattle Dominic, and in truth, me also. The wrath from the last encounter was still raw, yet a part of me was excited to see Xavier again.

Knowing I needed to be in fine form, Dominic had uncuffed my wrists and removed the ropes from my ankles. Without saying another word, he left the room, locking the door behind him. For a long time, I sat against the headboard, rubbing my bruised wrists, and watching the door for when he’d come bursting in. It didn’t happen. I had no idea where he’d be sleeping since I was in his room, and worst of all, I had no idea what was going through his unstable head.

Hungry and fatigued, I tucked myself into bed, closed my eyes, and not having enough energy left to cry, I fell into a much-needed slumber. It was a tormented sleep, filled with lurking monsters from the past and present—Blaze’s bloodied face moments before being shot in the head, the sickening sound of Jonny’s neck snapping, and little Jillian as she called out my name, crying and begging I come find her.

I woke the next day with the sun warming my face. That was the first indicator. The blinds had been drawn the entire time I’d been chained to the bed, including when Dominic left me last night. Now, they were wide open, revealing the beautiful day and the other buildings in the distance. The second indicator was the scent of a warm breakfast.

The third was the sound of Dominic clearing his throat. I bolted upright and scooted to the other side of the bed. He sat perched on the edge, looking casual in jeans and a tight, black shirt, food set on the side table.

“What are you doing?” I asked, second-guessing everything.

“Bringing you breakfast,” he replied as if it were a conversation a couple would be having.

I swallowed hard, looking between Dominic and the beautiful black rose on the breakfast tray.

Was this yet another demonstration of his split personality, or his attempt at winning me on-side prior to his settling his illegal arms deal?

He patted the side of the bed. “Come on,” he urged. “You need to eat.”

The delicious aroma of bacon and eggs was making me salivate, but I was still on guard, cautious not to get close.

“Lucy,” he said sternly. “Get your ass here.”

Who was this Dominic?

Sliding to the side of the bed, I pulled the comforter over my naked breasts and waited. Dominic took control of cutting up my food, and I gathered because he didn’t want me using the cutlery as weapons.

In the strangest turn of events from the night before, Dominic Salvatore fed me breakfast, and without an ounce of malice. He always had a motive and this time was no different.

“If you’re worried about me ruining your deal, you have nothing to be concerned about.”

Dominic’s eyes flicked to mine and then back to the food. “I know,” was all he said. His tone was ice cold. Final.

“They requested you. Seems like you made quite the impression last time.”

It was obvious what he was implying, and I didn’t contradict. I’d let him sit on it.

I chewed my food in silence until he continued the conversation, the black rose twisting between his two fingers. “Xavier is not to touch you tonight,” he warned, all sense of hospitality long eroded. “If he does, or you let him, I’ll shoot you both dead.”


“Well, don’t you two look so sweet together?”

Both Dominic and I met Anton’s humored reflection in the lift mirror. Both unimpressed, both rolling our eyes. Anton stood behind us as we shot back up to the sixty-sixth floor. He was to ensure Dominic made it out alive in case the deal turned sour.

Dressed in an elegant ruby-red gown Momma G had brought over, I studied my full-body reflection in the lift mirror. I’d lost a lot of weight, my face gaunt with dark circles under the eyes. I was still hungry, my stomach having vomited up breakfast, refusing the sudden intake of food.

“You look beautiful,” Dominic said softly, avoiding my eyes. It was a generous comment given every other time they’d been crass and derogatory. Dressed in a Gucci suit, he too looked handsome, but I had no desire to tell him.

We came to a stop on the penthouse floor, and when the doors opened, we were greeted with the same warmth as last time.

“Look at you two,” Sol said jovially, making his way over to us, arms outstretched in welcome. “All arm-in-arm like that, you look a beautiful couple.”