Chapter 8
“Just a little prick,” Momma G cooed, her hazy face appeared above. If she’d already pushed the needle in, I didn’t feel it. I felt nothing. I was dead inside.
I’d been laid on Dominic’s table, Blaze’s lifeless body having been torn from my arms so my wounded shoulder could be seen to.
My head lolled to the side, the effect of whatever drug had been injected was now taking me to a place I didn’t care to return from. Men, all dressed in black clothes moved around the room with purpose. The clean-up-crew. The fact that Dominic even had a number for such a business told more of the cruel type of person he was.
Two men positioned Blaze’s body on the edge of the plastic and began to roll her up like she was a carpet to be disposed of. Once they were finished with her body, there’d be no evidence to prove Dominic Salvatore was a cold-blooded killer. Other men moved around the room cleaning odd spots of blood, wiping walls, and spraying carpet.
Not wanting to see any more, I rolled my heavy head to the other side. Dominic sat in his high-back leather chair, one leg hooked over the over, his finger tapping his knee. His expression was difficult to read as he watched me. He was stony-faced, contemplative, and… victorious.
His eyes searched mine, looking for something, anything.
“I hate you,” I mouthed because I didn’t know if I was present enough to make any sound.
He understood loud and clear, the corners of his lips twitching with satisfaction.
“Do it now,” he said, and although his stare remained locked to mine, his instruction wasn’t directed at me.
“The area is not numb enough yet, Dominic,” Momma G chided. “I need to wait another—”
“Do. It. Now.” His dark eyes glinted with excitement, the same way they had when he pulled the trigger and blew Blaze’s brain all over me.
Hands wrapped around each ankle and wrist, securing me in place.
“I’m so sorry, Lucy,” Momma G said, remorseful for what she was about to do. What happened next was worse, monumentally worse than anything I’d ever experienced. Momma G’s finger unapologetically dug into the wound, rummaging around for the lodged bullet. An explosion of pain resulted in a blood-curdling scream, one that brought sheer joy to Dominic’s malevolent face.
While I bucked and strained to free my limbs from those pinning me down, I took in every inch of the man I loathed. I took in every feature, every freckle, the way his nostrils flared when he was excited. Because I was going to make him pay. And when that day came, I wanted to slowly destroy him until he no longer resembled himself.
I felt every suture as Momma G sewed the wound together, followed by an extra splash of alcohol to disinfect the area. Dominic hadn’t taken his eyes off me for a second during the whole process, and I wondered if he was taking in every feature of mine like I did his.
I wondered what else the sadistic madman had in store in for me.
I wondered if it were even possible to destroy any more of me.
I had nothing left to give.
My peripheral vision was a blank space, eyelids so heavy, I fought to keep them open. Dominic scooped me into his arms, my head lolling against his chest.
The rhythmic sound told me that monsters had hearts even if they were made of ice. He carried me down the stairs, kicked open the heavy red doors to the back alley and laid me on the back seat of the car.
“Is young Miss all right?” I heard a concerned Roy ask.
“She fell down the stairs. Take us to her apartment.”
Car doors slammed closed, and Dominic rested my head on his lap, the car’s motion lulling me to sleep. I woke in his arms, once again being carried, this time down the hall to my bedroom. He lowered me onto the bed with the type of care a loving mother would have for her sick child.
I heard him at the bathroom sink, moments later returning to my side. I forced my eyes open, because being alone with Dominic when he held all control was a terrifying predicament to be in. His fingers brushed over breasts, leaving a burning sensation in their wake. Unclasping my bra, he pulled each arm through the straps, taking extra care with my injured shoulder.
From there, his touch traveled down my bare stomach where he hooked his thumbs over my panties and slowly inched them down my thighs. He took his time, relishing what he saw and the fact I couldn’t fight back. Finally pulling them over my feet, he sat on the edge of the bed and with a damp, warm cloth, Dominic wiped my face of Blaze’s dried blood.