“Let go of me,” I screamed, kicking his legs and scratching at any exposed skin within reach, but not once did he flinch when I made contact. It did, however, worsen my situation. Anton was a big, burly man who could throw us girls around without breaking a sweat. And dragging me up the stairs to Dominic’s office was no different.
“No, no, no,” I desperately pleaded, nails clawing the balustrade. I couldn’t be left in the same room as him, not when he was getting so close to losing all control.
“Beg all you want, bitch, it ain’t gonna do anything for you.” Anton turned on me, twisted an arm behind my back and slammed me against the wall. My cheekbone throbbed and I whimpered against the pain.
He pressed his full weight on me, his stubble scratching my face, breath stinking of cigarettes. “I’m so tired of all you fucking bitches,” he seethed. “Trash like you and Blaze shouldn’t cry innocent and expect people to believe you.”
What the hell was he talking about?
“What did we do?” I asked, genuinely perplexed and undeniably frightened.
Anton jerked my arm higher sending an excruciating jolt of pain through my body. I screamed and pleaded for mercy, but only when I forced myself to go limp in his arms did he ease up.
“You’re all the fucking same. Lying, filthy whores.”
I was trembling uncontrollably, feeling like my world was spiraling out of control.
“Now walk up these stairs properly, or I’ll drag you by your hair. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” I nodded, done with the pain.
Anton still kept a grip for the remainder of the stairs. Once outside Dominic’s office, he knocked twice before entering.
“What the fuck?” I murmured, feeling the need to flee.
What the hell was going on?
My eyes flicked around the room searching for answers, but I still couldn’t understand why Blaze was in the middle of room, on her knees, on top of black plastic.
Her usual clear complexion was marred with bruises and swelling, her lips split and bleeding. Sobbing quietly, she looked up and mouthed a desperate, “I don’t know.”
Behind her, Dominic paced back and forth, jaw twitching, hardened eyes radiating an unwarranted fury. He was like a rabid dog just short of frothing at the mouth.
Anton shoved me forward and forced me to my knees in front of Blaze.
When the men had a quiet word with each other, I stole the opportunity. “What’s happened?” I hissed.
Blaze’s composure crumbled. “I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know,” she rattled, clearly distressed.
Dominic’s snakeskin shoes circled, ominous and calculated. I didn’t dare look up. Instead, I willed Blaze to get ahold of herself. Incomprehensible mutters spewed from her mouth. She was too far gone, too broken from her beating.
“When you work for me…” Dominic started strong, startling us both. “I ensure you go without wanting.”
I figured that statement was directed at Blaze given she was the one who’d up until this point was granted freedom.
“But when my generosity is abused…” he chuckled with spite, “… and the wool is pulled over my eyes, you can expect some form of retaliation.”
“We haven’t done anything.” Blaze hiccupped, and I wished she hadn’t even opened her mouth.
Positioning himself behind her, Dominic fisted his hand through her fiery red hair, yanking her head back until she faced him.
“If I remember correctly…” he bared teeth, “… when you first walked through my door, you were on the verge of whoring yourself out. I gave you a job you had no experience at and paid you well. I made you a star in a prestigious club. All I expected from you was loyalty.” He lowered his face to hers, breathing his hate into her ear. “And what the fuck have you given me in return? You hand in your notice and decide to fuck me over?”
Blaze shook her head as best she could given Dominic was holding her firmly in place. “I haven’t done anything. I promise you, Dom. I haven’t.”
“Fucking liar!” he snarled, callously sprawling her onto the plastic. Instinctively, I moved to help, but it seemed Dominic had other plans. He wrapped my ponytail around his hand and dragged me kicking and screaming away from Blaze until my back met his legs. Anton watched on, smiling at the scene unfolding before him. Relishing in Blaze being broken emotionally and physically, and me fighting the monster I could never defeat.
“And you,” Dominic spoke with contempt. “Are you a part of this simply to get back at me?”