I stiffened and Dominic noticed, keeping me by his side. The men shook hands and Sol kissed my cheek. “You look even more radiant than last time,” he said, eyeing me for longer than expected. I smiled, feeling a strange vibe emanating from him. He appeared a kind man, older and experienced, someone I imagined donning a sailor’s cap and sailing around the world.
Since I wasn’t high this time around, I could see everything plain as day and that included Xavier standing by the bar. Dominic followed my gaze while still conversing with a talkative Sol, his arm squeezing mine in warning.
“Come in, come in,” Sol said. “I do have one condition, however.”
“And that is?”
“We’ve asked our security for space tonight, I hope you’ll extend the same courtesy. After all…” Sol laughed, “… we’re all friends now. Right?” He clapped Dominic’s arm, but Dominic seemed less than impressed, taking a few moments to answer. He turned to Anton.
“Wait down in the car?”
He frowned. “Are you sure?”
Dominic nodded and as Anton left, Sol ushered us into the living room.
The city lights through the large windows looked absolutely stunning, and I was thankful they offered the distraction I needed in avoiding Xavier’s stare. I felt giddy on the inside, my skin flushing before he even greeted me.
“Diamond, you remember Charles and Xavier,” Sol said, gesturing to the men.
“Of course.” I smiled, swallowing hard when I met Xavier’s intense gaze. “Hello, again.”
Charles replied a hello while pouring us a drink and Xavier winked, sending my heart into a flutter. I stole a moment to take him in. He was much younger than Charles and Sol, but with his facial hair, his age was deceiving. Xavier was around the same height as Dominic, but with much broader shoulders. His eyes were kind and blue like the ocean. Eyes I could happily fall into.
The last thing I needed was to fall into the arms of another mobster.
Charles handed out the drinks, and we came together with our glasses raised. Xavier strolled over and I grew instantly wet between the legs. Even the manner in which he walked was a turn on, or it could have been the fact he still hadn’t taken his eyes off me.
Beside me, Dominic’s jaw twitched, his agitation growing with the more attention Xavier gave.
“To new friends,” Sol began. “Beautiful women…” he turned and smiled at me, “… and to finally getting what we all deserve.”
Perhaps I noticed it because I was on edge, questioning everything I saw. Perhaps I was cynical in nature. But as the last toast was mentioned, a strange glance passed between the men. I followed their lead, drinking the whiskey and catching Xavier’s eye as he did the same.
“Tonight is a night for celebration,” Sol said, clapping his hands drawing everyone’s attention back to him. Everyone but me. I was now focused on Charles. A little man, with a round body, bald head and a mustache. He was rather unassuming which was why it was easier for him to go unnoticed. I watched as his eyes moved from the lift doors to me, while I started to back away from the group, and to Dominic. He did this a few times, all the while remaining engaged in conversation.
“So,” Sol said, gesturing me to step back into the group. “Last time you were here, Dominic, you mentioned Diamond had been with you from a tender age. How long have you known each other?”
My heart thudded at the sudden inquiry into my past, and I swallowed hard, hoping Dominic would take the reins. It was never safe for me to answer questions directed at my past because it could incriminate Dominic. Xavier noticed my sudden discomfort, a subtle frown marring his otherwise perfect face.
Fortunately, and as expected, Dominic took charge. “Diamond’s upbringing was rather, shall we say… colorful.” When the men stared, waiting for elaboration, Dominic shifted weight and continued, albeit reluctantly, his words carefully selected. “And it was more a case of right time, right place when we bumped into each other again. I thought she’d be perfect for the club and she’s been my lead girl ever since.”
Seemingly unconvinced, Xavier stroked his jaw, hanging on to every word.
Could he see straight through Dominic?
Sol nodded, looking between us. “I’m sorry to hear about your early life, Diamond.”
I nodded, unsure how to respond. Thanks? Don’t be fooled?
“I can see she must be the favorite, Dominic. You watch her like a hawk,” Sol continued, unrelenting.
Dominic smiled. I knew that smile. He too was fed up with the persistent questions. But he played ball, all for the sake of his deal. “With someone as beautiful as Diamond, it’s necessary to keep the vultures away. There’s a lot of bad people out there.”
“That there is,” Sol concurred, wearing a shit-eating grin that had me… curious?
Dominic cleared his throat, unsure of the vibes all three men were emanating. “Should we save the pleasantries until later and get down to business?”