I nodded, thankful he was happy to play ball so I could make it through the night unscathed. The music changed to a tempo I could work with and when I pulled away from Xavier, I instantly missed his touch. I moved my hips to the song, focusing my attention to one spot in the room, hoping the seasickness would abate. Unzipping the strapless dress, I let it shimmy down my waist revealing my heavy breasts. Straddling Xavier’s lap, my nipples grazing his chest, he pulled me close, his lips nibbling my ear. For someone who refused a dance, he seemed completely lost in the moment. I responded, my hips softly gyrating on his groin, his cock hard and pressing against my panties. His hands snaked up my back bringing my senses to life.
Tentative fingers touched my chest, lifting the pearl-studded cardigan. “What’s—”
“Nothing.” I pushed him away, but it was too late, he’d already seen the bandage.
“You’re bleeding,” he hushed, cautious not to cause a scene.
“It’s nothing,” I insisted, reluctantly pulling away. We were entering dangerous territory and I could feel Dominic’s eyes boring holes into me. I stood too fast to face him, a blood rush once again sending me off-kilter. Xavier gripped my waist to hold me still. I was right. Dominic had been watching intently, analyzing my every move. Leaning against the bar, he raised his glass slowly to his lips, eyes watching over the rim. Could he see the effect Xavier had on me?
Pushing the dress over my hips, I placed my hands-on Xavier’s, giving him permission to touch. It wasn’t something ever allowed in the club, and it was something I’d never willingly experienced. Xavier’s hands explored. His touch was firm but lacked the violence I was used to. Possessive, but not controlling. I let a man I’d never met before run his hands over my body, fingers grazing my hard nipples, and I loved every minute of it. I loved it because it felt good and brought my senses alive. Maybe it was the drugs making me do it. I didn’t know. But mostly, I loved it because Dominic was watching, struggling to keep his jealousy at bay in front of the men he needed to impress. Xavier’s hands were no longer exploring. Instead, he seemed distracted, a thumb gliding back and forth over the small scar on my left hip. He gently pulled me down until I sat backward on his lap, my ass sitting on his hard cock.
His hands caressed their way up my back and to my neck, gently massaging. They felt divine. He pulled me closer until I sat flush with his cheek, lips grazing my ear.
“That’s a beautiful scar. A perfect heart.”
My blood ran cold, my body tense and unresponsive to his touch.
He noted my reaction, his hand on my shoulder a way of warning me to stay quiet.
“What did you say?” I asked, frightened of the answer.
“I said,” he leaned closer and despite the shock I was feeling, I welcomed his lips on my skin. “That’s a beautiful scar. A perfect heart.”