Page 33 of Neverland

Forgetting consequences, I ran toward the booming voice, a voice lost in a rage of ever-consuming grief. When I pulled the door open, I came face to face with a horde of angry people. Three security guards ushered frightened VIPs through to the main club. Anton practically had steam come from his nose, nostrils flaring with a need to smash his fist against something or someone. Momma G had swept the floor of girls and now acted as backup for whatever good she could do. And in the middle of it was Dominic, who wore a mask of stoicism, yet behind it was a need for revenge. Revenge because Dominic’s reputation was everything to him. His father, the same. Anyone or anything who brought their company into disrepute would face their full wrath, or as witnessed two nights ago, an execution-style death.

Facing off with him was a furious Jonny. He didn’t just use his voice to garner attention. The sawn-off shotgun he callously waved about with his finger on the trigger had everyone ducking and weaving.

Dominic shot me a warning look. Did he not think Jonny would come looking for Blaze after she failed to return home?

“Where the fuck is Nicole?” he bellowed using her real name most would be unfamiliar with.

“She’s not here,” Dominic replied flatly, looking like he was quietly preparing for war.

“Well, that just don’t make sense now do it? Because she never made it home after her shift.”

“So something happened on her way home—”

“Wrong again. Nicole’s messaged me every night for the last three years before she walks out those goddamn doors to tell me she’s on her way. And guess what I didn’t get two nights ago?”

Dominic smiled in mockery. “It’s taken you this long to come looking?”

“Don’t get fucking cute with me, asshole. Tell me where the fuck she is, or I swear I’ll blow this motherfucking place up and everyone in it.” For added effect, he pulled the trigger. The room exploded into frightened screams and cries for help, the chandelier bursting into a plume of splinters and shards. Everyone ducked and huddled, hands covering their face. All except Dominic. He remained defiant against his opponent and showed no fear. There was nothing in this world that rattled Dominic Salvatore.

The room had fallen into partial darkness when Jonny turned to see me, my back against the wall. He paused, his fury put on hold.

“Diamond.” When he said my name, I felt his pain, his eyes glistening. “Have you seen her? Have you seen Nicole?”

Dominic’s face appeared over Jonny’s shoulder, once again issuing a warning. I didn’t need to be warned, I knew what punishment awaited.

I swallowed the truth. “N-No,” I stammered. “I haven’t seen her.”

His nostrils flared, upset with my response. “Diamond, please,” he pleaded, shoulders sagging as he gave into the grief he’d been hiding behind his testosterone. “I know something bad has happened to her. I just know—”

Jonny catapulted sideways, tackled by Dominic’s men in his moment of weakness. The room erupted into chaos of an all-out brawl. Although he was heavily outnumbered, Jonny didn’t go down easy, and being a big Southern man, he swung and tackled his way into a decent battle.

Momma G appeared from a dark corner and pulled me aside just as the scrum of men smashed into the wall. “I told you not to come out,” she barked, angry at my defiance.

“How could I not?” My shoulders shook with sobs and Momma G simply nodded, her lips pursed together. She knew Blaze and I were close.

One of the guards heaved Jonny up and dropped him onto the glass table. It stood no chance and broke beneath him. Dominic’s men were beyond angry and weren’t going to let Jonny off easy. He clawed desperately at the arm hooked around his neck, his face swelling from lack of oxygen.

“Don’t do this,” I yelled. “Just let him go—”

“Get this piece of shit out of here,” Dominic ordered. With some difficulty, the men dragged a kicking and bucking Jonny out the fire door and into the alley. I went to follow but was shoved hard against the wall, Dominic pulling my hair so I faced him.

“You better keep that sweet little mouth of yours shut, Lucy,” he seethed through bared teeth. “If you’re so brave to enter a wolf pack, then you can expect to be eaten alive.”

“He doesn’t deserve this. You—”

Dominic clasped my jaw, digging deep and holding me still. “I don’t think you’re quite hearing me. Unlike Blaze, you won’t have anyone come looking for you if I put a bullet through your brain. So, keep your mouth fucking shut.” He smirked. “This is how the big boys play.”

Dominic pushed away, letting his warning linger between us. I watched as he walked out into the dark alley where the others were still scrapping. I was trembling, my teeth chattering, feeling an overwhelming need to be there for Jonny, even if I couldn’t help. The door framed the action, a silver glow of the street lights coating the wrestling bodies. But it was when I reached the door, my stomach heaved.

Jonny lay sprawled on the wet gutter, taking continual blows from steel-capped boots. They smashed into his now unrecognizable face, sending blood splatters and teeth in every direction. They booted his torso, no doubt breaking ribs, crushing and bursting vital organs. He was beyond fighting back. There was no need to continue the abuse, but Dominic called the shots and until he said stop, they’d continue.

“Jesus Christ,” Momma G said, horrified. I’m sure after all the years of sticking by Dominic’s side, the last few days were taking their toll.

With the alley set far back from the main street, there would be no help for Jonny. No Good Samaritan to call the police.

“Momma G, you have to do something.”

She shook her head and she spoke with regret. “I can’t do anything.” She knew this was an injustice, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she was in a similar situation to me, where Dominic owned her.