I was visibly shaking, both from the icy drink and from the explosive scene. There was no denying Dominic’s temper didn’t rattle my soul. He simply terrified me, and that wasn’t even the worst of it.
The whole club was staring and I wanted to hide. A concerned Blaze caught my attention and I silently let her know I was unhurt.
“You’re due in VIP,” Dominic snapped, clicking his fingers for a waitress to tidy the table. When I didn’t move, he pulled me in close to be out of earshot. “Go fucking clean yourself up and get to VIP. Now!”
The threat in his tone spurred me into action and once I’d changed and fixed my make-up, Momma G gave me a tequila shot to calm my nerves.
“Stay away from him,” she warned. Like I even needed to be told once. “He’s not going to be happy about what just happened.”
“No one told him to hit the guy.”
“Dominic doesn’t need much encouragement when it comes to anything to do with you.”
I didn’t need to force myself to stay away from him. I’d give anything to put an entire continent between us, but I wasn’t to be so lucky.
The next four hours passed quickly, and I was fortunate enough to spend the time with just one group, a group so entertaining, I was able to put thoughts of Dominic aside. There were no kinky requests, no unwelcomed touching, and no Vice detectives in sight. They were content in my presence and a few mini-laps to spice things up. They were also generous with both tips and shots, and by the end of my shift I was starting to feel the effects of too many tequilas.
Blaze had been in the booth next to mine for most of the night, sharing winks whenever we caught the other’s eye. I was talking with Courtney, the only female in my group, when a stony-faced Anton approached Blaze from behind and tapped her shoulder. She gave him just enough attention to hear what he had to say and then turned back to her patron seemingly ignoring Anton’s instruction. Pissed by her dismissive response, he wrapped his meaty hand around her slender wrist and dragged Blaze through the Staff Only door that was guarded by Carter.
My gut twisted. “Oh, shit!” What the hell was Anton up to?
“What is it?” Courtney asked, concerned by the change in my demeanor.
“I’m just going to check on the drinks order,” I lied with a convincing smile. “I’ll be right back.”
Carter could already read my expression as I approached. “I have no idea,” he said before I had a chance to ask.
“That didn’t look good. He knows Blaze is leaving and he seems pretty set on....” I didn’t want to finish the question. “I know you can’t leave because the other girls are here, but I’m just going to check on her.”
“Hey,” he said, stopping me with his stern voice. “If you see him doing anything to her, make sure to come right back here and get me. Don’t you dare think you can handle it yourself.”
I nodded my thanks and slipped through the Staff Only door. I ran through the hall, careful to check all the dark nooks favored by Dominic when he was on a warpath. Nothing.
“Momma G, have you seen Blaze?” I asked rounding the kitchen door. She was serving soup to a few girls who were about to start the morning shift. She threw me a look I knew to be a lie.
“She’ll be back out,” Momma G said, failing to disguise the regret in her voice.
What was going on and was she in on it?
I wasn’t ready to give up. “Where is she, Momma G? Anton dragged her away and—”
“Diamond,” a voice boomed behind me. The four girls startled, one dropping her soup spoon clattering into the bowl.
I turned on the asshole, feeling an overwhelming rage toward him. “Where’s Blaze? What did you do with her?”
“You’re needed in Dominic’s office,” he said, unperturbed.
I wasn’t going anywhere, especially not to Dominic’s office. “No,” I replied, defiant. “Where is she?”
He inched closer, squaring his shoulders. “Are you gonna walk freely or do I have to drag you like a dog?”
I was momentarily caught off-guard. Despite his closing proximity, there was a definite tone-shift, and one I didn’t expect.
“What?” I asked, surprised. How had it come about that I was in trouble? Was it because of the drunk frat boys?
Running out of patience, he took my wrist like he did with Blaze and proceeded to drag me down the hall.
Why was he doing this?