Page 15 of Neverland

It was sweet of her to offer but that invitation was purely dependent on who Dominic set his sights on. “And what if he comes after you?”

She found that humorous. “Honey, I’m not as petite as the girlies he’s been going after. Probably too scared I’ll break his balls. Which says more about him then it does us.”

I didn’t doubt her for a second. Monique was like an Amazonian goddess who oozed both beauty and strength. She certainly wasn’t a push-over.

Zipping our bags, we made to leave together. I’d already heard along the grapevine that Dominic had left the club earlier, but I still preferred to have someone I could trust next to me, and Blaze had already been picked up by her man. The club was still buzzing, the morning girls having already arrived for their shifts and the bouncers seemed busy dealing with the drunks. Monique pushed on the lock bar and the heavy red back door opened to a blast of cold night air. When it slammed shut behind us, it cut off the music, leaving us in relative peace. Retrieving her car key, Monique unlocked her BMW. “Want a ride?”

I looked to the SUV parked under the street lamp. “No, thank you. My ride’s here.”

A look of concern flashed over her pretty eyes. “You don’t belong here, Diamond.”

“I know,” I replied, my voice small.

“Come here,” she said, drawing me into a hug, her mouth by my ear. “You’ve got love in your heart and fire in your belly. Use that fire to get your revenge for whatever he’s doing to you.” She squeezed hard and I returned the gesture.

“Thank you and maybe one day…” I smiled.

“Just make sure I have front row seats.”

“Pervert row,” we said together and laughed. We were referring to the seats closest to the stage where men liked to get up close and personal with our genitals.

The horn from the SUV blasted and we both startled. “Gotta go,” I said, squeezing her hand as I left.

Climbing into the back seat, I greeted my driver. “Hi, Roy.”

“Miss,” he replied, meeting my eyes in the rearview mirror. “Sorry for the interruption, but I’ve got—”

“A schedule to stick by,” I finished for him. Roy worked for Dominic. He was a good man who knew little of his boss’s vile behavior. His role was to escort me to and from the club, ensuring I arrived back at my apartment with no stops in between. It wasn’t even my apartment. Dominic didn’t just own me, he owned every part of me, including where I lived and how I moved around. Restricting me was his way of ensuring there was no chance of me escaping, for if I tried, he’d recapture me within half an hour or less. That was his promise.

“There’s some grocery bags on the floor for you, Miss.”

Feeling a surge of excitement, I flicked on the cabin light and hauled the paper bags onto the seat next to me.

“You’re truly the best, Roy. Have I ever told you that?”

“Every time I slip caramel fudge ice cream into your shopping.”

I leaned forward and kissed his hairy cheek and I could feel him smile.

“I also threw in some red licorice twists.”

“Roy! You’re too good to me.”

He chuckled. “I don’t know how you maintain that figure, Miss, but I’m happy if I can see you smile.”

Ten minutes later and after hearing updates on his family, Roy pulled to the curb outside my apartment building. “Here you go. I’ll pick you up same time tomorrow.”

“I’ll be here and thanks again for the treats.”

Closing the door, I juggled the bags while climbing two flights of stairs and then fiddled with the lock to my door which finally gave way with a bit of force. My eyes, as usual every time I walked in, flicked to the small red lights dotted in each room. It was a habit of mine. A sinister reminder that this apartment was just as much a prison as the club. I had no privacy. The only rooms I knew were camera-free were the toilet and closet. It was a small liberty Dominic loaned me. Loan being the operative word. Everything else was for his private viewing.

Storing the food, I walked down the darkened hall, keen to leave the lights off. Lights off meant less of a show for him. A soft silver glow from the street lamps filtered into the bedroom drawing my attention to something dark on my pillow. It stood out, contrasting against everything white in the room.

I stared at the one thing that meant he’d been here invading my space. This was why he left the club early, to find another reason to get under my skin. Another way to remind me of the type of person he was. Sick and sadistic. I picked up the torn lace which was once my panties. The panties I’d slipped on before Dominic trapped me in the dressing room. The panties Dominic has ripped off when he threatened to rape me.

I trembled with rage, balling the remnants of fabric into my fist until my knuckles turned white.

Switching on the side lamp, I stood on the bed and moved closer to the camera where there would be no mistaking what I was saying. I smiled sweetly before mouthing my defiant, ‘Fuck you,’ before pulling the room back into darkness.

Thankful I’d showered at the club, I turned to my closet. Grabbing bundles of coat hangers, I tossed the clothes on the floor. Claiming my comforter and pillow, I made a bed in the space I’d created in the closest and closed the doors on the prying cameras and the asshole watching. I stared at the ceiling, a peace overcoming me. Pulling the comforter under my chin, I smiled at the glow-in-the-dark stars I’d stuck to the closet walls and roof. I stared until my eyes grew heavy. I stared until sleep finally claimed me and dreams of memories not lost or forgotten played their familiar slideshow.