“Fine...” I raised my hand to placate him, “… I’m going.” Swallowing hard, I prepared to slide down to the porch roof when his low and husky voice stopped me.
I glanced over my shoulder and met the glistening whites of his eyes.
“Stay out of my family’s business.”
I crawled back into bed, and lay awake staring at the roof. My math exam was first up in the morning, and I knew the algebra equations were going to defeat me. That was Lucas’s forte and one he’d tried many times to teach me. He was patient and kind while I struggled with even the basics of it. I was more artistic than academic, but Lucas swore he could make a mathematician out of me yet. I didn’t have the heart to tell him his efforts went through one ear and out the other. Not by choice. It just wasn’t a strength of mine. But figuring out why X equals Y wasn’t at the top of the food chain for priorities.
I never wanted to tell him his time was wasted. I enjoyed his company far too much to lose it.
A silent tear trickled down my cheek. The torn skin on Lucas’s face would scar. It would serve a permanent reminder of his teens. My heart ached for the Lucas who didn’t deserve any of this. For the Lucas who was abandoned by his father and neglected by his mother. And for the Lucas who was forced into battle with the sadistic boyfriend.
The tears smeared across my cheek when I swiped angrily at them. I wanted to run down the hall to my parents’ room and tell them everything. I wanted to tell them of the violence happening just next door. I wanted them to reassure me they’d fix it.
But Mason’s stern warning left me feeling helpless.
The cat bell tinkled into the otherwise silent night. Dashing across the floor to the window, I came face to face with Lucas. We both smiled, small and solemn. I gave a little wave, and through the dark void separating us, Lucas returned the gesture. The yelling had ceased, and all the lights were off. For now, the Carter boys could rest knowing that tomorrow was a new day. Or they could spend the night wondering how they could fix the situation. Lucas pointed to the message that had arrived which I’d forgotten.
Retrieving it from the peg, I unfolded the small piece of paper and wept silently over the heartbreaking words.
I wish we could run away together.