“Where the fuck have you been?” Mason, Lucas’s older brother, barked as he emerged from the shadows of the old oak tree next to the drive. While the boys were only ten months apart, Mason liked to think he was boss.
We both came to a stop, our brakes squeaking and in need of oil.
“We fell asleep,” I said, my eyes narrowing trying to make out his face in the darkness.
He stepped forward fully exposing himself to the buzzing street lamp. His jaw was set hard, his nostrils flaring. “I’m not talking to you,” he snapped, turning his fiery gaze from me to Lucas.
“Don’t speak to her like that,” Lucas came to my defense while dismounting his bike.
The brothers shared similar traits and were almost matched in height. The only difference was Mason bore a grudge against almost everything, and most of the time it was unwarranted. He had a chip on his shoulder that seemed to be worsening over recent months. He was intimidating and was ambivalent to the hurt he caused his parents. Lucas, however, was the son loved by all. He had strengths Mason lacked and while younger, seemed far more mature when dealing with his troubles. He was the savior, always coming to Mason’s rescue and defending the reckless actions of his brother.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, taking a step forward, half blocking me from Mason’s wrath.
This question caused a violent twitch in Mason’s neck. “Dad’s left.”
The two words hung loosely in the brisk night air. There was a gut-wrenching pause as their meaning sunk in.
“Did you hear me?”
“Yes! I heard you. Where did he go?”
“I don’t fucking know,” he spat, angrily. There was no denying the hurt in his voice. “He’s taken all his shit.”
“Where’s Mom?” Despite the pain he too must have felt, Lucas spoke evenly.
“Locked herself inside the bathroom.”
Using his foot, Lucas lowered the bike stand and turned to me.
“I’ll talk to you later, Gem.” The joy I had seen in his eyes that afternoon had turned to a sadness that shattered my heart.
“I’m sorry, Luc,” I whispered, a lump restricting my throat.
He gave a weak smile and pulled me into a hug where I rested my cheek against his beating and now broken heart.
“Today of all days,” he murmured sadly against my ear. “Happy Birthday, Gem.”
I blinked away the tears. “Happy Birthday, Luc.”
“Lord, you know how to cut it fine,” my mother’s irritated voice rang from the dining room. I’d walked through my front door lost in a trance that both numbed and terrified me. “Honestly, if you had been a minute later I would have called Sheriff…” she paused, eyes searching my face. “Gemma, what on earth is wrong?”
I turned to my mother who absently placed the last knife on the table before stepping toward me.
“I’m sorry I’m late.” The words fell out in a jumbled mess.
“Gem, you left with Lucas so happy. What’s happened? What’s changed?”
“Mr. Carter moved out.”
One hand rested on the chair back, the other sitting on her hip. “What do you mean he moved out?”
“Mason just told us he’s packed and left.”
“He left the boys… on Lucas’s birthday?”
My heart ached some more. “Yes.”