“Well…” Gerald looked away, drawing on his short memory for answers. “He was wearing a cap, you see, so I didn’t get a great look at his face.”
“Was he tall?”
“Broad-shouldered, maybe Mr. Anderson’s build from 202?”
“Well, yes.” Gerald shook his head, frustrated with himself. “I’m sorry, Miss, I can’t tell you any more than that.”
I suppressed my frustration. The building was old and heritage listed. Any major changes needed often meant lengthy meetings and delays that saw little result. Hence the lack of security of the technical kind. And Gerald, as sweet as he was, had a mind like a sieve and barely retained anything of importance.
“How did he get access to my apartment?”
His eyes lit up happy, he finally had an answer for me. “Well, he had your key, of course.”
“I’ve never given my key to anyone,” I muttered in frustration, raking a hand through my hair.
“Thanks, Gerald. If anyone else comes through and says they’re accessing my apartment, call 911 immediately.”
His brows furrowed in confusion, still not registering the severity of the situation. “Is everything okay, Miss?”
“No, but it’s too late now.”
It became too late ten years ago.
I started my journey back up the stairs when Gerald continued. “Oh, Miss? There is something I remember.”
I turned on my heel, gripping the balustrade. “Oh?”
“Yes, I remember…” he tapped his forehead with his index finger, “… the man wore a fragrance. I smelled it before I even saw him.”
My heart thudded.
“Can you describe it?”
“Well, ah—”
“Was it sweet but spicy all at the same time?”
“Yes. Yes, I guess that would be a fine description of it.”
He had been here.
What was promised ten years ago was coming to fruition.
Mason Carter was hunting me down.