“Santos owes me. And until the transaction is made, I’ll stick around. And if he shows his face, even better.”

This answer apparently was hysterical. “Got some balls on you, Hunter. That’s why you get the jobs done. A word of advice, though. If, and that’s a big if, Santos shows his face, you my friend better duck for cover.”

“Don’t fuck me over, bonita, or you too will be begging for your life.” Gabriel’s warning could be heard through the door. He’s dragged Nina back to the bedroom she would be locked in during her stay. I paced, back and forth in the hallway catching snippets of the conversation.

I heard his expectations, what it was he wanted from her.

He referenced the Baja cartel and Evan Jacobs as a combined threat.

Taunts concerning Garcia’s death and how he deserved everything he got.

But the threat against her own life should she fail cooperation? That was the last straw.

I opened the door and saw Nina on the floor hugging her knees to her chest. Gabriel sat perched in front, his fingers digging painfully into her cheeks.

I cleared my throat.

“What?” he barked.

“I need a moment with the girl.”

“Is that so?” Gabriel questioned, amused. Instead of leaving, he drew Nina in close. Gaging her fear, he kissed her hard in a show of arrogance. She squirmed and pushed against his chest until finally he stood and stepped away. “Later,” he promised, knocking shoulders with me as he left.

Nina wiped furiously at her mouth, her glare hard and full of hurt. She moved to the edge of the bed no longer hugging her knees. At least her defense had somewhat dropped.

“Cariña,” I began.


“Look at me.” She stared at the wall. “Look. At. Me.”

“What do you want?” Her jaw was locked, ready for battle.

“I never lied to you.”

“Are you serious? You used me from the moment I met you! In fact, before that, you were working on ways to manipulate me from the very beginning.”

“That part is true.”

She winced.

“You’ve got everything you ever wanted from me. So just leave. Go!”

“I haven’t got everything,” I replied, eyes narrowed.

She stared, almost seeing through me.

“Do you ever feel ashamed for what you have done? Do you even feel a thing?”

“I feel a great deal. Unfortunately, I have allowed my personal judgment to hinder my business.”

“Personal? You used sex to manipulate. Don’t get it confused with anything else.” She rose from the bed and I closed the door. “I guess you can add my name to the score card. I suppose you even enjoyed telling me how trusting I was. How I should be careful who I let into my life, when all along it was you I needed to avoid. Did I provide a good laugh while I brought your production to life?”

“You did make it easy.”

She swung and hit my cheek. It was a slap I deserved.

“You fucking asshole.” She went to strike again, but I intercepted, catching her wrist and gently but forceful enough, twisted her arm behind her back. She screamed as we fell to the bed, me landing on top, lips grazing her ear.