“His behavior over Garcia’s death. It was plain and simple not a home invasion. And the Chief seemed more than happy to brush it under the carpet. I don’t know why, and I probably will never know, because it seems he’ll do whatever it takes to stop me from finding out. You appear to be the only one who isn’t deceiving me.”

“Don’t do that.” My jaw clenched.

“Do what?”

“Don’t put me on a pedestal.”

She seemed genuinely apologetic even though I was the asshole. “I’m sorry, I was just trying to say that I could trust—”

“You don’t know me well enough to trust me, cariña. I’m not above deception.”

My words did not fall on deaf ears.

“That sounded like a warning,” she barely breathed.

“Perhaps it is.”

Nina dropped her fork letting it clatter into the porcelain bowl.

“I’m a little confused. Maybe it’s the wine,” she began. “No, it’s not the wine, this is how you always make me feel. Second guessing whose side you’re on. If you’re even on a side. Second guessing whether I’m safe with you.”

“Why would you not be safe?”

“Do you even hear yourself, Jair? Telling me I can’t trust you. That I shouldn’t be vulnerable. That you are just like ‘them.’ And now you’re saying you’re not above the act of deceiving me. Is this a game to you? For some fucked up reason, men from some cartel I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting or even investigating are trying to kill me, abduct me, I don’t even know what the fuck they want from me. My Chief is treating me like I’m quickly becoming the enemy of the state, and you have me analyzing every word you do and don’t say, so I know whether you truly have my best interests at heart.”

To put it simply, I was a cunt.

A self-serving asshole hellbent on revenge. I knew it. She didn’t yet, but soon she would see the type of man I really was. I locked eyes with her.

“I understand your apprehension, cariña. I do, honestly. But what I see is a woman who without me is quite easily going to be six foot under as soon as she tells me to walk. What you are choosing to see is a hero who can save you from the men seeking your blood. When in reality they and I, we all stem from the same societies soaked in deceit, violence, drugs and treachery. Fact of the matter is, I’ve killed for precisely the same reasons they’ve killed. My boot has walked through the blood of victims the same amount of times as they’ve strung theirs up from a bridge. I can be your saint for a day, a night, a week, but at the end of our time together just know that even the devil was an angel.”

She was nervous, and for some reason I took pleasure from that.

“Finish your meal,” I instructed, pulling a chunk of steak off my fork.

Instead of food, she opted for more wine. I understood, given everything she was dealing with.

It was time.

“We should settle the score.”

Nina was not yet on board with the idea. In fact, she outright refused. She was rightfully apprehensive and would take further convincing. With my hand on the small of her back, I led her back through the restaurant. Inside my pocket, my cell buzzed.

It would only be one person.

Retrieving it, I saw Gabriel’s name.

“Cariña, I have to take this, and you look exhausted. Please, go upstairs and relax.”

She agreed without question and made a path for the elevator while I took the call.

“Gabriel,” I greeted.

“Brother. Or should I call you… Ruiz.” He chuckled at his own joke, and I failed to see the humor in it. “How’s the champagne? It’s one of my favorites.”

“Still on ice,” I responded dryly.

“I expect Agent Nina Cross within the next twenty-four hours.” He was suddenly all business.