“You don’t ever need to thank me.” I was aware I sounded indifferent.
How could I tell her that I was here to both save and destroy her?
She watched me from the corner of her eye. Probably wondering why I came into her life and why I kept turning up at precarious moments with no answers. I could feel the twitch in my jaw return as I contemplated the next week ahead.
I had to play my cards right.
For Nina’s sake.
I had to ensure the façade was never broken. Luis Santos would resurface and when he did, I would be waiting.
“You have five minutes to clean up then we need to hit the road again.”
Nina nodded before following me to the nearest motel room. We were only half an hour down the highway when I pulled into a motel carpark hidden from main reception. Sliding a credit card in the gap of the door, I worked the locked until it popped open.
Nina dropped her bag on the dingy bed and disappeared into the bathroom. Moments later the shower started a steady flow of steam billowing through the door. Unconcerned that I was watching, she unzipped her jeans lowering them to the floor. With a pained effort, Nina tried and failed to pull up her three-quarter sleeve top over her shoulder wound.
“Let me,” I offered, surprising her. She grew rigid in my presence and gasped when I tore through the top with my knife.
“Breathe, cariña,” I murmured, my chest grazing her back. When she finally exhaled, I removed the blood-dried material. She winced, and I wanted to kiss her pain away.
“Shower, then I will see to your injury.” I worked the clasp of Nina’s bra, her skin goose bumping at my touch. Letting it fall to the floor, I stepped back, my body responding to her nakedness in a way inappropriate for the situation.
A few minutes passed when she re-emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her torso.
“Sit,” I instructed, threading a sterile needle. Nina sat beside me on the edge of the mattress, silent, still in shock. I listened to her steady breathing while pulling the cork off a small vodka bottle. “Here. Have a few sips.”
She shook her head, lost in thought. “It’s okay.
“Just do it.”
Realizing it was for the pain, she accepted the bottle with a shaky hand. She swallowed a mouthful before wincing from the fiery afterburn. I hid my smile at her innocent reaction.
Kneeling between her legs, I assessed the damage. “The bullet nicked you, but the wound is quite deep. It’s going to hurt.”
With a towel under Nina’s arm, I snaked one hand behind her neck, my thumb tracing a small circle on her soft and still warm skin.
“Ready?” I asked.
Lips parted ready to answer, but I kissed her hard, possessively, the way she liked, cutting off any words. She responded, eager, passionate, conflicted. When our tongues met, she shrieked. Holding her tight, salty tears falling into the creases of our mouths, while I poured vodka over the wound.
When the pain subsided and her breathing steadied, I lessened my hold. I kissed her gently, tasting her sweetness. She moaned with pleasure, my teeth gently grazing her bottom lip. Cupping her ass, I pulled her in close, my hard cock straining in my pants. Her fingers raked through my hair, practically panting and having long forgotten about the injury.
Reality came crashing back, and regretfully I pulled away knowing if I didn’t I would ravage this beautiful woman, placing us both at risk of getting caught. “We need to get out of here.”
“I know.” She sounded just as torn.
Resting back on my heels, I locked eyes with Nina and saw hope. She trusted me. She trusted me when I told not to. She wasn’t listening to my warning. She ignored the fact that she knew nothing about me and hated the fact that I couldn’t warn her of what was to come.
Breaking the hold she had on me, I picked up the threaded needle. “This is going to hurt some more.”
With the last rays of sun fading, I waited outside for Nina to dress and took the opportunity to message Gabriel.
Me:Your men are making this operation messy. Keep them clear.
Ten seconds later, he responded in true form.
Gabriel:I’m getting impatient, brother. Bring me the girl or my hounds will attack.