I pulled the blade free, and again he gasped and groaned as more blood escaped the wound. I rose to my feet and began stowing the weapons. I had no connections this far down before the border, and I didn’t want to engage with Los Santos more than I had too.
Ruiz watched, knowing I had since lost interest in him.
“Why don’t you just kill me now?”
“Oh no.” I laughed, hooking the Beretta through my belt. “I have something far better in mind.”
I held his gaze while I made the call. Only two rings and Gabriel answered.
“Brother,” he greeted sounding a little distracted. “I’m a little… pre-occupied.” I could tell by his tone he was smiling, and in the background, I heard a woman giggle.
“Any Santos men in the San Antonio area?”
“I have men everywhere. You should know that by now. Why?”
“You interested in a Baja?”
“What? Who?” That had got his attention. “Get the fuck off me,” he spat at the woman. My captive’s eyes pleaded with mine, begging not to have it end this way.
Too fucking late.
“I have Jair Ruiz.”