“Two coming this way, bro,” Jase said casually, peering around the corner at the two sentries on duty.

“One each,” I instructed, pulling my weapon of choice free. “Get down,” I ordered Alejandro.

He did as he was told eyeing the metal glistening in the moonlight. The soldiers walked straight past the corner wall of a building we had taken cover behind. They were lost in conversation and inhaling on cigars, completely unaware.

“Go,” I urged.

Jase opted for a completely hands-on approach. With a tap on the shoulder, he waited until his guy had turned just enough before connecting his fist to the soldier’s jaw. At the same time I wrapped my garrotte wire around my soldier’s throat. Jase rounded on his, snapping the man’s neck with one fluid motion, while I sliced through the carotid arteries of my soldier. A thin spray of blood coated the gravel but would go unnoticed.

Together they fell, hitting the ground in unison. We were too close to the school to use guns even with silencers. Dragging the dead weights behind the building, we met the wide-eyed stare of Alejandro.

“Who are you guys?” he finally stumbled as I cleaned my wire.

Jase smiled knowingly, not having the heart to tell him worse was yet to come.