Page 106 of The Perfect Stranger

I searched for her, but the room was becoming a blur. And then, through the black uniformed bodies, she emerged. Her loose hair waving behind as she ran toward me.

I couldn’t see her beautiful face, but I could taste her salty tears as they fell into the creases of my mouth. Nina’s was crying for me. She slipped a hand under my head, the other shakily caressing my face.

“Please stay with me,” she sobbed. “Please stay, Antonio. I love you. Please don’t leave. Someone get help. Help him! Please!”

The voices behind had fallen silent. The black shapes didn’t move.

The pain had stopped, and I could no longer feel anything.

The blur soon turned to nothingness, but I smiled.

The last thing I would hear was Nina’s beautiful voice saying she loved me.

The last thing I would see was her still alive.

My sweet love was still alive.