I wasn’t aware I was doing it until it was too late. My heavy groan revealed just how unimpressed I was with the direction of the conversation.
“Nessa didn’t have much in the way of a fantasy. She wanted to try some new toys, mess around in a few different positions. Standard shit.”
“And yours?”
Jase indicated to Sonia for another round of drinks. “I confessed that I got off imagining her being fucked by another man while I watched, and that someday I would like to see it come true.”
“So she didn’t cheat, she was just following your wishes?”
Jase shook his head. There was more to come. “At first she said she wasn’t comfortable with the idea. That she didn’t believe it would help, and that it would only hinder our relationship. I understood the issues, but I convinced her it would just be a once off and that it would be in a controlled environment. She warmed up to the idea, and no soon after the night was organized, we were both excited. It felt good. The other guy was of her choosing from a discreet swinger’s agency. She chose someone who looks the total opposite of me. Didn’t think much of it at the time, you know? I watched as they openly flirted over a couple bottles of wine. I didn’t mind. They were setting the mood.”
“And you were doing what this whole time?”
“I joined in the conversation, but I simply wanted to be a voyeur when it came time. It was hot. And she enjoyed it… multiple times. He was respectful and treated her well.”
“So, you’ve had a change of heart? Jealousy finally catching up?”
“No, I still look back and think how fucking horny I was watching it. The problem isn’t that. What was supposed to be a once off has turned into an affair. An affair where I’m not involved. An affair that has gone further than just a fantasy shared between a couple.”
I exhaled heavily. “Bro, you fucked up.”
“You don’t think I know that?”
“So where do you go from here?”
“She blames me. She says I pushed her into it, and that she couldn’t control the emotions that developed between them after being intimate. I get it, I do.”
Sonia returned with our round of beers. “So your form of retribution is to do the same thing?”
“It makes me feel like I’ve got some control back in my life.”
Although I still had some more ribbing to do in regards to Jase’s poor, yet amusing, life choices, I could once again sense that I was being watched. This time he appeared agitated. Like how a meth addict would be, knowing they weren’t getting their next fix. The bar was crowded, and he jolted from the knocks of the people passing by. He looked like he wanted to be invisible in a place where no one noticed him. No one but me.
“So that’s it? You’ve got no advice?”
“How can I give advice to a man who feels cheated, after he told his wife to sleep with another man just so he could get off?” Although I found my friend’s situation particularly amusing, I refrained from smiling, my eyes locked to those of the stranger still staring me down. Choosing to be the one to break away, I downed my beer and gave Jase’s shoulder a squeeze.
“Go home to your wife and show her a good enough time that she’ll forget all about the man you involved in your fantasy.”
I didn’t stick around for a reply. Whoever the stranger was, he was not of the same descent as the men we targeted today. The same men we were promised would seek retribution on us should they know our identities. This man was here for a very different reason. One I was hoping wouldn’t take too long to discover.