I could feel the tension from the window, the Santos men growing fidgety. My finger itched on the trigger. I would end all this now, sacrifice never coming face to face with Luis Santos, if this got out of hand.
“Cállate!” Gabriel barked at Ruiz who continued to ignore the warnings.
And then it all began.
The first shot was fired, the bullet belonging to Gabriel. Ruiz’s body jolted on impact, the booming crack echoing over the Mexican plane.
Nina screamed, and my stomach plummeted. All Santos men in the line-up raised their weapons, each firing until their magazine was empty. Ruiz’s body was pummeled with bullets, a thick spray of red coating Nina. She half-screamed, half-cried, until shock set in and she fell quiet.
Silence descended.
Ruiz’s massacred body finally collapsed on the blood-soaked earth.
Nina swayed like a leaf in the breeze, numb.
“Fucking Jesus,” I swore under my breath, my own shock slowly ebbing.
Though she wore the blood of Ruiz, Nina was unharmed.
They needed her. But how long that would last, I didn’t know.
Ruiz was a warning.
A promise of things to come.
“Was that necessary?”
Gabriel paused. He had been pouring his second whiskey when I walked in. “What’s the problem, brother?” A smirked itched his face. “I didn’t touch your precious cargo, I thought you’d be happy about that.”
“Nina was a target, simple as that,” I dismissed his insinuation with a stoic face. “But she is also an innocent woman. She’s not one of the asshole smugglers caught cutting some off the side. She’s not a Baja.”
“A little bit of fear never goes astray.” He downed the second glass and poured a third. “She’ll be more co-operative. Less inclined to waste my time. Luis will be here soon, and I need the transfer to be successful.”
“We’re assuming she knows. She’s only a rookie.”
“Well…” he grinned like his care factor was slim, “…let’s just hope she has what I need.” Gabriel tossed his glass on the table and it wobbled side to side. “I’d hate for her pretty face to end up like Jair Ruiz.”
“Where’s the man who brought me here?” I heard her say as I walked through the door.
Her eyes met mine, anger flashing in them as she prepared her assault.
I expected it.
This was the first time Nina had seen me since the hotel in Tucson. She had showered, no longer covered with death.
“You bastard!” she screamed, springing from her chair.
I wanted to calm her, to whisper in her ear that I was sorry and to reassure that I would keep her safe.
But I didn’t and I couldn’t.
Instead, she met my feigned indifference, which only incensed her further.
“Why did you do this to me? People are dying because of you!”
A Santos man pulled her flailing body away and threw her carelessly to the ground. I itched to break his face for being so rough. Gabriel watched carefully for my reaction. I gave him none. Nina’s face reddened and tears gushed down her cheeks
“Who are you?” Her voice caught with emotion.