“Do it when you can. When it’s safe. And don’t look back.”

I kissed her cheek and was almost through the door when her voice stopped me. “Maria Rosa,” was all she said.

“Who’s that?”

“Maria Rosa was Luis Santos’s wife. I don’t know for sure, but it might be the name of his yacht.”

Gabriel was nowhere in sight when I arrived back at the mansion. Making use of the free time, I Googled the Maria Rosa. There was a brief mention of the yacht in an online maritime magazine for the world’s most luxurious vessels. And indeed, it was luxurious. Blood money had been used to pay for this overindulgence. So many lives destroyed, so he could sail the open seas living off the grid, while others raped and pillaged on his behalf.

Closing the laptop, I headed out into the open long grassed field at the back of the house, away from any wires that might have been hidden. I dialed Zero’s number. After four rings, he answered.


“Can you talk?”

“Ahhh…” He knew it was me, and he also knew that he shouldn’t be speaking to someone like me. There were ears everywhere in the agency. And wherever ears couldn’t go, taps always did the trick.

“Sort of.”

“Just answer yes or no, and don’t draw attention to yourself.”


“I need you to find a trace for a super yacht called Maria Rosa.”


“It belongs to Luis Santos.”


“Find a pay phone and call this number showing on your cell then delete it. I can answer your call any time of day, but will most likely be in the same position you are in now. Understand?”


I paused, no longer able to avoid the important issues.

“Does the agency have men looking for me?”


“Is there a bounty?”


“Is Jase okay?”



“I mean, yes… kind of… not really.”

It was pointless asking him to elaborate. “Do they have him under surveillance?”

Zero laughed like it was a stupid question. Probably was. “Yes.”

“And you?”

“A little.” There was a muffled sound like someone was covering the receiver on the other end. “Don’t come back,” Zero hissed into the phone. “You’re their next poster boy for the enemy of the state. Wherever you are, stay there. Gotta—”

Before he could finish, the call ended.

What he said came as no surprise. I expected it to be the case, I just didn’t think it would be tackled with such vehemence.

I was now faced with two evils. To be headhunted by my own people, or be stuck in a country where if I stood out of line even once, I would be buried in a shallow grave.