My bullet exploded his Adam’s apple on entry and shattered his spine on exit. His eyes rolled and his body slumped heavily against the car before falling in a heap on the ground. In the distance, the crows squaled waiting for their next feed. I had just killed a man I knew little of, but what I did know only emphasized the need to end him. I wasn’t here to grieve men like Andrews. He was just another wife beating, child molesting piece of shit the world could do without.
“Boss says we need to take him to the lake,” one of the beefy security guards said from behind.
“He’s all yours. Avoid the northern highway.” One good thing the fucker did was warn about the police traffic stop.
I watched as they hauled the limp body into the backseat of his car, a thick smear of blood coating the door.
Inside, Gabriel was back in his chair, a naked woman perched on each knee. While one ravaged his neck, the other flicked her long hair back in apparent delight, her heavy breasts being sucked and bitten. A waitress appeared and began cleaning up the debris of broken glass. Gabriel had already consumed a lot of alcohol, and we were in for a long night.
One of the girls moved slightly on his lap, and his eyes caught mine. He released a breast from his mouth and made to stand.
“Let’s continue this back home shall we?” The women smiled lighting up the room. To them, this was a privilege. They were the chosen ones, albeit for a night.