"She's not just a pawn, Ronan, and I’m sick of your treating this like a business transaction." Ronan's gaze steels, his eyes darkening to almost black. "She is my wife and I love her. Do you understand? Do not speak of her like an object again." I step forward, pressing my chest to his, and finally, I feel the relief I've been needing.
The nagging feeling of something going wrong lifts for a moment and I realize maybe it really is in my head. Ronan's lips purse, his eyebrows creeping closer to one another. He's not happy with my telling him off, but he respects me. I know he'd do the same if I spoke about Maeve that way.
"Fair enough," he says, "so prove it to this family then that your loyalty is to us. See this through while protecting her. It doesn't matter to me whether she is safe, but I can see how you feel about it." He pauses and huffs a sigh out his nostrils. "Our empire has just doubled in size, and more than ever, we'll depend on you. Get your head in the game, Declan. You can't be stuffing up because you caught feelings for her. Get that part straight."
I nod as my chest tightens. At last, my brother is finally letting go of his grudge. "As long as this family is behind me every step of the way, this new alliance will work. And nothing will stop us." My throat squeezes as I think of Isla alone on our wedding day, surrounded by that chaos. She needs me to anchor her or she'll be too frightened and maybe try to run again. "We should get back."
"Sure you don't want to check the gate again?" Ro asks, quirking an eyebrow as he smirks.
"Screw you," I say, pushing him playfully. He slaps a hand to the back of my neck and squeezes it as we start to walk back towardthe chaos in his back yard. It feels as if a thousand pounds have been lifted off my shoulders now, and it's not just because I'm finally redeeming myself. It's because I feel like things are working out.
We enter the back yard where the entire place has been transformed. Tables are set. Guests are seated. The meal is being carried out by the staff, and Lochlan stands with Finn near the fountain in the center of the yard, but I don't see Isla. It makes my heart stop instantly and my blood runs cold.
Where is my wife? And why is my brother laughing as if it’s the funniest day of his life? Who am I going to have to kill?
When Declan walks away, following his "gut" about some supposed threat, I know it's my window. I thought he would never let me out of his sight today, but I'm being handed a golden opportunity straight from the hand of God. I watch him and Ronan vanish around the corner of the house as swaths of people funnel in and out of the house carrying table linens, centerpieces, and place settings.
Our guests mill about too, some of them nodding their congratulations and others chatting happily. Da offers a hug, Mum a few tears, and then a man named Aiden, whom I’m told works for Ronan, escorts them to a table near the far end of the tent where the string quartet is set up.
Lochlan isn't paying attention to me, chatting with a few men I've never met, but the moment I start to walk away, he nabs me, grabbing my arm tightly. "Where do you think you’re going?" He grumbles, and I keep a plastic smile etched into my face. I've been emotional all day. I could use the nausea trick to get out of this, but despite having felt nauseous for a few weeks now over the stress of all of this, I'm not actually feeling sick right now.
"I have to pee, and I have a splitting headache. I was just going in to get out of the sun for a moment." I nod at the house, and he scowls at me. For a second, I think my window just closed, but when one door closes, heaven opens another, right? Maeve saunters over with a look of concern, and I grasp onto that instantly.
I may not be able to overpower a grown man with a gun, but this sweet little surgeon won't know what hit her.
"What's wrong?" she asks, her eyes bouncing between Lochlan's and mine. He looks like I've just committed a crime, but Maeve's innocence is her downfall. I bat my eyelashes and rub my temples, playing on my earlier hesitancy for this wedding. She's so naive about things, so gullible. She thinks what I'm going through is just wedding jitters.
"I have a horrible headache and I’m feeling parched. The ladies’ room…" I raise my eyebrows, and she scowls at Lochlan.
"I'll take her, you ogre." Maeve hooks her arm around mine, and Loch stands in our way.
"Declan said not to let her out of my sight." He touches the butt of his gun, and Maeve rolls her eyes hard.
"They're married now, fool. Move out of my way or I'll inform Ronan you have zero hospitality when it comes to your new sister-in-law." With one hand planted on her hip, her head cocked at an accusing angle, Maeve stands her ground. Her authority in this family isn't lost on me. Lochlan looks hesitant, but he backs away and nods.
Maeve's perfume wraps around me in a comforting embrace as she guides me between the streams of people ushering in theparty in my honor. I feign needing her, keeping with the act of having wedding jitters, and she starts to ramble.
"You'd think the men in this family would have a bit more compassion for all their ranting about how they treat wives." She sighs and pats my arm. "I'm sorry he's a pain in the ass, and I’m sorry you've a headache. Must be dehydration… Or more of those wedding nerves. But the hard part is over now." She beams at me again as we enter the house. I don't know it as well as I know Declan's house, but I know the way to the front door. And I know that dragging this train down the street will be a nightmare. It'll slow me down too much.
"I think I spent too much time overthinking things," I tell her, and I have no trouble being honest about that. I've done nothing but overthink every step I've taken since the moment they showed up at my home and wrested me away from it.
"So you're feeling better?" she asks, gesturing toward the short hall leading to the toilets.
I nod and smile, and this time, it's a very genuine smile. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel—literally. The door to the side entrance past the garden and out to the street outside the gate is within view. I don't see anyone moving out there, and I’m almost home free.
"I do. I think you were right about wedding jitters. I pray you don't have the same nervousness I had the past few days over your wedding. I feel like it's made me a mess. I want to freshen up and… Oh—" I touch my fingers to my lips in another feigned action. I have to get rid of her, and I know just how to do it.
"Oh?" she says, tilting her head again. I find it comical. She's like a well-trained dog, heeding every command I give her. Ifeel bad in one respect. When Ronan finds out it was his very partner who led me away from security where I could slip out and vanish, he'll be raging mad.
"Well, I don't have any pain medication. Could you be a dear and get me a Panadol? I can't imagine dancing the night away if my head is throbbing like this." I offer an expression of pain, and while it's not entirely fake—my heart is deeply aching—I do have to put on a bit of an act. I rub my temples again, and Maeve smiles at me. She's the ever-dutiful doctor and I’m her sick, weak patient in need. Of course she's going to make sure she follows the letter of the law. She did recite that Hippocratic Oath.
"Of course I will." She smiles again and turns to go, and I watch her walk away, waiting until she is out of sight.
My hands work quickly, but I struggle. The way this train is attached to the dress is horrible. So many buttons and zips hide sneakily under the satin folds. I'm shaking too, racing against more than one clock. Declan could see I'm not with Loch anymore. Lochlan could wonder what's taking a while and come looking. And Maeve could return with the pain medication and I'd be screwed.