I shove away from him, fire erupting along my skin hot enough to rival the flames he trapped my guys with. If he won’t allow my mates to fight for me, I’ll fight for myself.
“No!” My fierce refusal is echoed by three growled responses from Alder, Matthias, and Valerian. They grow more restless, trapped by Lucifer’s hellfire. “I never wanted to be your queen. That much I remember. You won’t take me from my mates.”
Lucifer laughs, unbothered by my threatening stance. “Good.”
I snuff out my flames, eyeing him warily. “Good? I don’t get you, dude.”
My suspicious distrust delights him. “I knew you were unhappy at the castle. You were much more yourself when you slipped past your guards and ventured out into the realm.” He drops the blaze keeping my mates at bay. “I needed to be sure. Though my queen will not be happy with me for offering, even if I had no intention of taking you. She’s quite the fiery spirit. You’d like her, I believe.”
Keeping an eye on him, I back up, feeling the tethers connecting me to my demons as a guide. They close the distance between us in swift strides until I hit Valerian’s chest. His arms lock around me, Alder and Matthias flanking us and taking my hands. Together we’re a unified front, us against whatever threatens to tear us apart.
“I hope you can forgive me for testing you.” Lucifer’s smile falls into a chilling sneer as he takes in the incapacitated demons. He pauses on Alastor, his angelic features twisting, darkening. “I can’t be too careful. Even those I trust enough to call a friend are quick to stab me in the back to sate their own greed.”
Rainer hauls Alastor’s unconscious body up and drags him, wrists bound with the glow of a spell. He moves to Samael and Brone, pausing to consider how to remove them from the ground I encased them in. “At your word, I’ll alert the royal guard to prepare three cells, sir.”
“Three?” Lucifer’s gaze flicks between his council members, landing on Cessair’s body. “Ah. I see.”
I tense, remembering Alder’s explanation of the sacred laws demons abide. I killed Cessair.
Sensing my stress, my guys press closer. They won’t let any harm come to me.
“They planned to overthrow you, Your Highness,” Valerian says gruffly. “The charge from the council that we betrayed you—that I was planning rebellion—was a lie to cover their schemes. They kidnapped Lily, tried to kill her, and sought to take the realm from you.”
Lucifer chuckles dangerously, his crimson eyes flashing. “Oh, I’m not so easily manipulated. I’m the king of Hell and many have tried to fool me. I suspected something was at work when I heard of this.”
Valerian’s chin dips, grazing the top of my head. “Sir.”
“Truly, the first inclination something was wrong was when Lilith went missing. At first I thought you’d staged your own kidnapping as a way out of our betrothal. You always chased your wild ideas.” Lucifer frowns. “But you never turned up. Then this treasonous claim and demons flocking through portals to the mortal realm didn’t add up. I used you as bait to draw out those that sowed their corruption while I protected my queen.”
“I hate being bait,” I mutter.
Alder huffs in amusement, squeezing my hand. “What happens now?”
“Rainer,” Lucifer says. “We’ll need a prisoner transport.”
Rainer bows, placing his fist over his heart before nodding to us. “Until next time, old friend.”
“Uh, alright peace out, then.” I elbow Valerian to get him to move.
“You’re different, yet still much like yourself. Your true feelings shine through. It’s good to see.” Lucifer’s grin shows a peek of fangs. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”
I open and close my mouth. Right. He’s the king of the underworld. We probably need his permission.
“Are we allowed to go? We collected your trash, so we’re good, right?”
Matthias coughs to cover his laugh.
“Are you three not guardians of a gate?” Lucifer squints at my guys. “If that’s where you wish to return, by all means. Unless you’d like to be reinstated to the knights, Valerian. Seeing as how the charge you guarded is now your mate.”
Valerian is at a loss for words. I twist to see his wide-eyed gaze locked on the Devil, tremors of reprieve running along our bond. He’s no longer disgraced now that Lucifer knows the truth about my disappearance.
“We’ll go where you order us to, Your Highness,” Alder says respectfully on Valerian’s behalf.
Lucifer studies me for a moment. “I relieve you three from your duty as guards. For your loyalty and service to Hell, you’re free to come and go as you please.” At my quick inhale of excitement, he tilts his head. “On the condition you’ll accept positions on my council, seeing as I have open positions to fill.”
It’s Alder’s turn to be speechless. This must be a big deal.
“Council seats are inherited by descendants of a bloodline,” Valerian murmurs in explanation.