“You won’t be enough to stop us,” Cessair boasts. “You’ve only escaped death thus far because we wanted to know why she survived.”
“Yeah? Well we’ve killed everyone you’ve sent after us.” I pull free of Valerian’s grasp and push past Matthias. Alder grabs my jacket, freezing when I hold up a hand. “So far all I’ve heard is a bunch of douchebag men patting themselves on the back. I’m sick of it.”
Alastor’s mouth curls into a malevolent grin. “Just like your mother before you centuries ago. She met her end at my hand, and so shall you. The only mercy I’ll grant is a swift end because you’ve already taken more than enough of my time.”
My chest twinges and a sharp tingle spreads throughout my body. This demon has taken too much from me. I won’t let him steal anything else—I’m done letting anyone decide my fate.
“No fucking way.”
Flames spill down my arms into my hands. My nails lengthen into short red claws with the fierce anger coursing through my veins. My guys flank me, ready to go to war with me.
“This ends here,” Valerian says.
The forest creatures hidden amongst the mist in the trees screech when I move for the first attack, creating a cacophony while the flames I push at our enemies clash against the twirling fire Brone wields to defend the group. Our hellfire illuminates the forest in violent bursts of light and oppressive heat.
Valerian and Alder charge Alastor while Matthias goes against Cessair. Rainer draws a sword and takes on Samael, and I fling another rush of flames at Brone.
This is nothing like the fights we’ve faced so far. It takes all my concentration to block Brone’s rapid fireball attacks, my speed not as fast as his. Despite his stout stature, he’s not slow. I barely have time to check on the others, too busy dodging like Alder taught me.
Rainer fights Samael, coating his blade in flames. They dance around each other in close combat, Rainer’s sword and fist challenging Samael’s powerful fiery hits matching him blow for blow. I think it’s only Rainer’s experience as a demon knight that keeps him on his feet as Samael gains ground, punching and slashing with burning fists to land vicious hits.
Matthias conjures fire and illusions to keep Cessair at bay, confusing him with doubles mimicking each move he makes so it’s unclear where the true source is. His flames race to circle them, licking up the trees, and from those flames dog-like creatures made of molten stone and smoke burst free. Cessair smirks, unthreatened and counters with a fearsome flash that torches a path straight for Matthias, picking him out from the magic dopplegangers.
I yelp, moving mere seconds before Brone’s spiraling fire molded like a spear catches me in the chest, knees skidding in the dirt. Heart pounding, I push to my feet and swing my arm to protect myself with a rush of hellfire. Though it’s a strong burst, the flames sputter out before they reach him. He smirks, his sagging cheeks gruesomely folding over his mouth.
Don’t panic. Break the seal, Valerian urges. In the corner of my eye, I watch in horror as Alastor rains endless hellfire on him and Alder. He splits his attention between the demon he fights and me, using his fire whip to force Alastor back several steps.
Don’t let them win, Lily. Undo what they’ve done to you. We know you can do it.
My throat stings. We need to do something. My heartbeat stutters as I dodge another bout of blistering flames from Brone, flattening to the ground. How am I supposed to concentrate on breaking the seal by myself while fighting off the demons who did this to me?
They believe in me. It has to work.
Closing my eyes, I seek the seal in my mind, stomach plummeting at the thick roots and vines twisting through the ancient magic. I imagine claws to slice through the mess. Small pieces chip off, but I don’t get far. The glowing symbols mock my inability to put a dent in my magic prison.
I gasp, eyes flying open at Alder’s grunt of pain. Alastor has him by the throat, talons piercing his corded muscles. With a terrible bark of laughter, he throws my strong warrior aside against a thick tree trunk and turns his attention to Valerian.
“It’s time for you to die,” Alastor says.
“No!” I yell.
It’s not enough.I’mnot enough to save us—to save my mates. The harrowing truth I’ve always battled with shreds my heart.
We weren’t ready. I can’t break the seal and all the training they gave me isn’t a match for the old, powerful demons corrupting Hell.
Dark smoke springs from Cessair’s fingers like marionette strings, trapping Matthias in a magic swamp. He grunts, blocking the monstrous, skeletal creation Cessair pulls out of it, controlled by smoke, while trying to get his legs free. He’s sinking and more illusions surface in the swamp, slashing at him, swarming him. They’re too many for him to handle alone. He needs help.
“Matthias!” Alder calls hoarsely.
Valerian’s flame whip catches Alastor’s wrist and he wrenches. In the spare moment he gains the advantage in the fight, his gaze snaps to Matthias. Alastor knocks him back and pins him to the ground, claws slicing through his skin. Gritting his teeth, he struggles, raking his claws through the forest floor.
There’s no curse circle trapping me this time. Before I make a move, Brone blocks my path to my mate, circling me with a ring of fire.
Cessair’s grin is triumphant as Matthias chokes in pain when a creature sinks its teeth into his neck and pulls him deeper into the murky water. His golden eyes hold mine, their bright glow brimming with despair, with regret, with bittersweet love.
This isn’t one of Cessair’s cruel illusions. This time my worst nightmare is real.
“I’m sorry. Remember me, petal.” Matthias’ wry tone echoes with the melodic magic of his gift, trying to ease my mind, to convince me to believe this is okay, but it only carves deeper canyons in my aching heart when I don’t allow his magic to sway my mind.