Page 83 of Hell Gate

He adjusts me in his arms, supporting me so my legs wrap around his waist. “It’ll cost you a kiss, sweet blossom.”

I grin. “I always want to kiss you.”

His raspy laugh cuts off as I press my lips to his. A wave breaks against us, his rugged body not moving a muscle against it. I shiver, gliding my tongue against his.

“You’re cold,” he says.

“Not with you here to keep me warm.” I glance back to the shore where Matthias picks out more shells. “Take me back to the beach?”

When we come out of the water, I hop down and race to Matthias, colliding with him with a happy yell. His arms circle me automatically and he laps at my damp skin with a playful growl.

“Did you like your swim?”

“It was short lived.” I rub against him, my chilly damp shirt clinging to all my curves. “The water’s cold as shit.”

“Your nipples are like icicles.” He touches my lips. “No more swimming, though. Even with you running a little warmer than a human should, I don’t want you to catch a cold.”

“Not without one of us taking you.” Alder scrubs at his damp brown hair when he reaches us. “The current is strong.”

“Here, I picked this one out for you.” Matthias offers me a beautiful shell. The pearlescent shimmer has swirls of orange. “It reminded me of you.”

I trace the wavy fan shape. “I love it.”

Alder takes it and puts it in the pile we’ve collected, abandoning his soggy shoes. Matthias threads his fingers with mine and walks me back to the edge of the water. Our toes sink in the sand as the water rushes over our feet.

I wish Valerian was here with me, where he belongs. I want to enjoy our life together with only the four of us and no worries in the world.

He’s coming back, I remind myself. He promised.

“Hey.” Matthias holds my face, his golden eyes bounce between mine. “I love you more than anything. I just want you to know that.”

My heart stutters recklessly. His soft smile grows, the tips of his fangs peeking out.

“I love you.”

The words come out soft, stolen on the wind. I’ve never given them to anyone. Once they’re out, I want to give them to Alder and Vale, too.

His thumbs sweep across my cheeks. “I know, baby. We all feel how big your love is. Here.” He touches his chest. “Today, I was really scared of losing you.”

“Me too.”

He kisses me, the first gentle press of our lips quickly becoming more. Alder appears behind me while I make out with him.

Matthias burns me up with his kiss, warming me from the cold beach until I’m panting. He holds me close, mapping my curves with his clever sparking fingers. They tease higher, beneath the hem of my borrowed shirt. His tingling touch buzzes as he kneads my ass, then sinks between my cheeks.

I moan with wild abandon, hips bucking against the vibrations. Matthias swallows it as he teases me. Alder rumbles at my back, tracing my hips while he nibbles my shoulder. Being pinned between them is heaven.

Breaking away from Matthias, I face Alder and stare into the green depths of his handsome eyes. “I love you.”

He presses his forehead to mine. “And my heart beats for you and you alone, mate.”

I sense Vale’s return before I see him. A hum lights up the bond and I gasp. Turning, I find him standing on the deck, his tousled dark hair whipping in the wind and his focus honed in on me. I need him. I need all of them.

“Come on.” Alder scoops me up and carries me up the beach, back to my other mate.

Inside the house it’s warmer, though it’s not a natural warmth. It’s coming from the four of us. From the desire growing from a flicker to a strong blaze now that we’re here together. They take me upstairs. The bedroom is dusty, but I don’t care. I don’t need fine things and clean sheets—I only need my mates.

Alder sets me down and I immediately go to Valerian. I trace his sharp jaw. “You came back.”