Page 9 of Hell Gate

They’re tall and give off an air of danger. The shortest of them with disheveled white blond hair props a foot on one of the headstones that came to just above my knee, making it seem like it’s matchbox sized next to them. He gives me a cocky wave.

His companions have a couple inches on him, the biggest of the group also the most muscular. He screams military vibes with his stiff posture, though his brown hair is longer on top and trimmed on the sides.

The last of them has thick tousled black hair and tattoos that run down his neck, continuing beneath his clothes. He licks his lips, cocking his head to the side.

One thing stands out that they have in common—their eyes. They almost seem to glow in the darkness, each a different shade of blue, green, and gold. But that’s impossible. I’m not sure how they manage the effect. Maybe special contacts?

Wait—that’s it. They’re part of this. The girls got them to jump out and scare me after the dare. A scorching buzz builds beneath my skin. Shit. No—I have to keep myself in check.

My heart thuds as I consider my odds of making a break for it. They said the cemetery grounds circle behind Talbot House. I could run past the chapel ruins and find my way back through the woods once I lose these jerks.

“Oh.” The blond guy sounds pleased, checking me out with a lingering once over. He rakes his teeth over his lower lip with a dirty groan roughing up his tone. “A girl. It’s been a while since the gate’s been disturbed by a woman. Hi, pretty thing. I’m going to enjoy every minute with you.”

He winks and my head jerks. Horny Fuckboy taps his buddy on one of his massive arms.

“Irrelevant,” the big guy barks.

The force of his voice makes me shudder. I dub him Scary Asshole.

The third guy remains quiet. Observant. He catalogs me from head to toe with a fierce scowl. His baleful gaze moves past me dismissively, sweeping the cemetery with disdain. A muscle flexes in his chiseled jaw.

“You,” the brooding man clips out in a smooth Britishaccent that feels out of place in this area. His long dark coat sweeps over the ground when he steps forward. I press my lips together, not about to talk to any of them. “You are found unworthy of the gate’s secrets.”

Horny pulls a face. “Why is it always you who says it?”

“Shut up, brother.” Scary cuffs the back of his head.

“How about you three stop, and I’ll save you the trouble,” I call. “I’m out of here.”

Scary Asshole shoulders past the other two, stalking toward me like I’m a bug he’s eager to squash. He looks like he could annihilate someone with his foreboding glare alone. His broad muscular frame is formidable, and I can’t help falling back a step when he navigates the crooked decayed headstones separating us with inexplicable speed. He must know the area well. All three of them avoid tripping over the lumpy ground while I shuffle backwards, stumbling every other step.

“Your soul is forfeit,” he grits out through clenched teeth.

Ice spears through me. I ball my fists. He’s certainly committed to the act. This trio of dicks are out here to freak me out. As much as I hate to admit it, they’re succeeding.

“Fuck you!” The yell flies free and I forget about my efforts to keep my thoughts to myself.

They exchange eerie smirks at my snarled response, then advance on me as one, Scowly Bastard and Horny Fuckboy flanking Scary Asshole. A tremor builds in my chest until my entire body shakes with each retreating step. I keep my wide eyes locked on them. My gut tells me if I look away, things will get worse.

“That’s enough. Congratulations, you hazed the new girl in town, and scared the shit out of her in the creepy ass graveyard. Can you just—”

My blustering false bravado cuts off with a yelp when I tip over a knee-high angel statue that’s half-unearthed, my ass planting hard in a damp patch of weeds. I wince, grinding my teeth against the pain of a small pebble bruising my soft thigh. Fuckingow, that’s going to be pretty tomorrow. Lifting my fuming gaze, I find the three chucklefucks studying me with interest.

“Can we just what?” The slow curve of Horny Fuckboy’s full lips is downright sinful. So is the heat brimming in his strangely bright hazel eyes as he flicks them down to the swell of my tits.

He saunters closer and crouches beside me. The scent of a snuffed out campfire tickles my nose. I don’t recall smelling any firewood burning when the girls led me out to the graveyard. Minus the douchebag behavior designed to frighten me, he’s handsome with a square jawline, a mess of icy white hair that swoops across his forehead, and gold contacts that are luminous in the dark, foggy night.

I lean away when he hums and strokes a long, pale finger down my cheek. His touch should make my skin crawl, yet it doesn’t, stirring a strangely pleasant burst of warmth in my chest—a warmth that doesn’t make me frightened of losing control.

What the—?

His mouth stretches into a smug grin and he tosses his head with a raspy laugh that twists my insides. “Get on with it? Love to. I’m as eager to have a taste as you are to be eaten, lost girl.”

My lip curls, unimpressed. I’m finding it hard not to let my true feelings out, my reactions slipping free without my permission.

I don’t get what’s so funny to him. What’s up with these jerks? Is small town, middle-of-nowheresville Pennsylvania life so boring that preying on girls at night to scare the hell out of them is their only form of entertainment?

The big guy emits a deep growl and turns to Tall, Dark and Scowly. “We need to finish her and be done with it. I hate being in this realm.”