Page 53 of Hell Gate

Alder is more reluctant to release me, keeping me in place when I try to step away. His nose grazes the top of my head, inhaling faintly. A beat later, he lets go. I hug myself, but it’s not the same.

“Tomorrow you’re coming with me to meet the witch,” Valerian says.

* * *

My demons surroundme on my throne carved from jagged obsidian in a large room with high stone arches and burning sconces. Alder kneels before me, taking my hand, and Matthias perches on the arm, brushing a knuckle along my cheek while Vale grasps my chin to guide my eyes to him on my other side. Contentment fills me as they dote on me. I don’t want this moment to end, happy to stay like this forever with them by my side.

But something is wrong.

One by one my men are stolen from me by cloaked figures with gruesome claws. They fight to escape, and I’m powerless to help, a chain locked around my ankle to keep me on the throne. I don’t want this. I never wanted to be the queen ruling Hell.

Hellfire explodes from my hands to destroy the chain. As soon as I’m free, I run, searching the long halls, my crimson gown getting in the way. I fling off the crown atop my head, the studded spiked halo weighing me down.

“She will never be queen!” The demons hunting me shout it over and over.

“No!” I scream.

But it’s no use. They capture me without my handsome demon knight to guard me.

Their claws slice into me, shredding my gown, pushing me down to the gleaming dark floor. Their red eyes spew fire and they bare their fangs at me. The floor swallows me, the water sloshing over my head. I flail hard, unable to break free. I sink further into the abyss and death calls to me.

The stale air in the dark motel room chokes me as I snap my eyes open with a harsh gasp. I press a trembling hand to my throat, my lungs searing as I drag in air. I’m not drowning.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I wrench the neck of my sleep shirt—the one I stole from Alder and put on after a shower—up to my nose, dragging in deep gulps of his scent.

My bed shifts, drawing another freaked out wheeze from me. Who the—? Matthias has been sleeping in bed with me, but tonight he’s out on watch. I went to bed alone when Alder and Valerian stepped out to talk.

Large hands grab me as I struggle, a deep voice hushing me. The scent of smoldering charcoal and woodsmoke registers when I’m pulled against a broad, muscular chest.Alder.

“Shh, sweet blossom.” He pets my hair. “What’s wrong?”

It takes me a moment to calm my harsh breathing and find my words, the horrible tendrils of the dream clinging to my mind. “Nightmare,” I choke out. “You’re here?”

“I’m here. You’re safe,” he promises. “You were tossing and turning. Something agitated you. When I laid next to you, it seemed to settle your restlessness.”

“I feel better like this,” I admit. “Your scent is nice. It makes me feel protected.”

A brief pang of guilt plagues me. I shouldn’t say it, even if it’s true. I belong to Matthias.

He gives a gravelly hum in response, his embrace cinching tighter. My heart swells. Why does it feel so right in his arms?

“I’ll hold you as long as you need,” he promises. “Nothing can hurt you.”

My throat stings and I burrow against his chest, tucking my nose into the crook of his neck. His strength and support are everything to me. From the first time we were attacked after they kidnapped me from my bed, he’s guarded me with unwavering dedication. He’s stopped my training whenever I’m too tired or over emotional. He makes sure I rest.

When I feel like I’ll fall apart, he lets me. I don’t have to hold myself together on my own as long as he’s there to catch me.

“Thank you,” I mumble.

Alder cards his fingers through my hair and massages my neck and shoulders with power warming his touch. I melt against him, allowing him to ease away my nightmare. He’s patient while he comforts me. We exist in a bubble, just the two of us.

After a while, he traces my scars. He’s not as relaxed as he was a few moments ago.

“Who hurt you?” The jagged demand slices through the quiet. He guides my chin so I face him instead of hiding. His mouth presses into a thin line. “Tell me what humans did to make you lose control and let your power out like this?”

I freeze. My throat constricts and I shake my head.

“I want to hunt them all down and rip them limb from limb for hurting you. Since I first saw them, I knew you had known pain no one should suffer,” he growls. “They don’t deserve to live another day for this.”