Rainer holds up his hands. “To repay the life debt I owe you. And because you still have people’s trust. Allow me to be your eyes and ears in the underworld.”
The three of them exchange glances. Alder stares at my shirt, seeing me in it for the first time. Matthias lingers on the way Vale holds me, but doesn’t show Rainer any cracks in our unified front.
Alder nods in agreement. “We need to understand what’s going on instead of running blind.”
“Very well.” Vale’s fingers twitch, giving my stomach the barest caress. “Update us when you can.”
“I will.” He holds out his hand.
Valerian seems reluctant, like he’s torn between letting me go and allowing Rainer any closer. His exhale blows my short hair and he shifts me off his lap, rising when Rainer does. They clasp arms, Valerian's tattoos swirling across his forearm.
“Thou who seeks to bind in loyalty and allegiance.I consentio relligo,” Valerian intones.
“Thine pledge is my fealty, given in honor.I conveniunt ad nervo,” Rainer responds.
Their skin glows with an intricate red design that matches up where they touch. The magic light becomes brighter, then burns off in a flash of smoke and ash. The only evidence left behind is a small circular mark with the same pattern on both of their wrists. Rainer mutters something in another language, dragging two fingers across the mark. It vanishes, melting into nothing on his skin.
“Whoa.” I lean forward. “What was all that?”
“A masking spell and a Demon’s Pledge,” Rainer explains. “It’s a binding promise forged between your brethren. It’ll allow me to communicate with Vale across vast distances.”
My brows jump up. “Even across the realms?”
“That’s more difficult, but possible. Only bonded mates and very strong demons are capable of such feats.”
My gaze seeks Matthias. He’s already watching me, gold eyes hooded and a dimpled smirk playing at the edge of his mouth.
“So we don’t have to keep running? We can do something about this. Fight the council.”
Alder frowns. “It’s suicide to go against the council.”
“They’re the Devil’s right hand,” Valerian says.
“We have to try. Otherwise we’ll be running forever. I don’t want to run.” I slide my lips together, shocked by my own fierce burst of confidence. “If we can get Lucifer to listen, we can convince him to call off this hunt.”
A muscle jumps in Valerian’s cheek. “You think you hold so much sway that the king of Hell would grant you an audience, little flower?” His cold gaze cuts away. “He is merciless.”
I narrow my eyes. “Then we’ll go without you.”
“You’ll do no such thing,” he grits out.
Matthias pulls me away from Vale by my hand, wrapping me in his arms. Alder reaches out, touching the shirt I stole from him.
Rainer chuckles, patting Valerian on the shoulder. “I should be off before my presence upsets the balance among you. Be careful, old friend. I only tracked you because I understand how your mind works after fighting alongside you, but the hellhounds are circling the area. Witches are keeping them at bay.”
“What do you know of the local covens?” Valerian slides into strategy mode. “I’m seeking them out to find one that can break a powerful magic seal.”
“They’re to the east along the coastline. Ask for Juniper.”
Valerian nods. Before Rainer leaves, he clasps his shoulder. “It’s good to see you. After so long.”
“And you.” Rainer gives him a smile that’s sad and fond. “It will not be so long next time.”
Valerian nods, his throat bobbing. A pang hits me in the chest at the display of emotions he keeps locked up tight. It makes him look younger when he’s not scowling.