“Be ready to run if I tell you, okay?” he murmurs, expression guarded.
Oh crap. Was it not a duck? My stomach turns.
“No matter what happens, get her out,” Valerian commands. “We’ll meet you at the car. If we’re not there by the time you get it started, go.”
Before I get out any protest, an attack strikes the window, shattered glass raining across the floor. Matthias yanks me against him, shielding me as his arm sweeps through the air to send a fiery burst slashing through the air at the demon. Valerian doesn’t give the tall, vicious-looking woman the chance to retaliate, punching a continuous streaming blaze like a flamethrower. Her slicked back high ponytail whips around as she spins to block it. They trade blows back and forth, neither of them landing a hit.
Alder’s grunt of pain wrenches my focus to him. At the back of the small abandoned building, he grapples with another demon. She’s mid-shift, but instead of the claws and fangs I expect, her jaw lengthens into the maw of a beastly, black dog-like creature that snaps her terrifying teeth at his neck.
“No!” I fling my hand out before the decision fully forms. The badass torrent of flames I visualize comes out of my fingertips as nothing more than sparks. “Fuck, not now. Come on!”
I hate not being able to help him, my gut churning as he jerks his head away from the beast’s jaws. It knocks him off balance, massive paws pinning him to the floor.
Before the demon Valerian fights shifts her form, he catches her around the throat. His fingers lengthen, claws sprouting forth.
“She’ll never be queen,” the demon garbles. “You’ve already lost.”
Valerian growls, gouging his elongated clawed fingers deeper into her throat, ripping it out mercilessly. Her body slumps to the ground, choking and spluttering as her blood pools around her and her hands slip against her skin to stem the bleeding.
“What are you waiting for? Get her out of here,” he snaps.
Matthias’ arm tightens around me. “Time to go.”
“Wait—no! Not without them!” I push against his chest, but it’s futile. The three strong demons have no trouble manhandling me. Matthias lifts me when I drag my feet. “Not yet! We can help!”
“Sorry, Lils.” He doesn’t sound too sorry.
I yank on his hoodie and pummel his back. It’s futile. Before I know it, his long strides reach the spot we stashed the car. He stows me in the back seat, grabbing my chin to force me to look him in the eye.
“You won’t leave this car.” His voice has a musicality to it that sounds so good. “Okay?”
That sounds like the best idea. I nod. With a relieved sigh, he gets behind the wheel and starts the car.
Wait. My face scrunches. There was a reason I wanted to get out of the car. It’s important.
Alder and Valerian aren’t in the car. My ears pop and I grab a fistful of Matthias’ hoodie.
“Don’t leave without them,” I scream.
“How the fuck did you break through that quickly?” Matthias grits his teeth, revving the engine. “Petal, it’s to keep you safe.”
“No! I’ll—” I trip over my threat to kill him if we leave the others behind, the word sticking in my throat. A sharp pain stabs into my chest, pricking my racing heart. I claw at my shirt, panting. “Don’t fucking leave yet.”
“Two minutes. Max, baby. They’re my brothers, but protecting you is more important.”
I grind my teeth, plastering myself against the back seat to watch. Every second we’re separated while they face danger feels like an unbearable eternity.
At last, Valerian’s dark tousled hair and sweeping trench coat come into view, followed by Alder, his muscles straining as they sprint toward the car. A plume of smoke rises into the treetops behind them.
“Go!” Valerian shouts once he has the passenger door open. “The second one won’t be down for long in her shifted form.”
Alder barely has time to throw himself into the back with me, the car rocking with the force as it rolls into motion.
“Fucking hellhounds,” Matthias snarls as he floors the gas, the tires kicking up dirt in our wake.
“If the hounds are tracking us, it’s bad.” Alder surveys his scraped up arms. “There could be anyone hunting us.”