The not-so-human shopkeeper releases a horrible, ear-splitting screech and flings a ball of fire at the spot I last saw Matthias. With a grunt, Matthias dodges and the curtains ignite, the burst of flames licking up the fabric to reach the ceiling in a matter of seconds. Putrid smoke chokes me, the fast-spreading fire flinging me back into all my worst memories.
Alder charges the demon from behind, his huge arms encased in fire. Before he catches him, two more gremlin-like monsters rush through the door, one going high and the other sinking low, their leathery red clawed hands splayed to attack. While Alder is forced to split his attention to defend himself, the shopkeeper’s fists bloom with more flames and he launches himself at Valerian when he darts out of the shadows.
They clash together, sending another burst of fire and ash into the air. The darkness flickers away with collisions of their dueling fiery fists grappling for the upper hand. My heart plummets when the shopkeeper gets hold of Valerian’s neck and lifts him off the ground. He spits something in another language and flames erupt from his hand, burning Valerian’s neck. Valerian lets out an awful, choked sputter, struggling against the vicious move.
Matthias comes to his aid, jumping on the shopkeeper’s back and shooting fire into his face from the hand he slashes across it. The shopkeeper’s fire sputters out. Growling, the demon reaches back and flings Matthias off. He turns while holding Valerian by his throat and punches a fireball through the air.
“No!” I scream.
My heart seizes as the blow knocks Matthias against the wall before he collapses to the floor. He doesn’t get back up.
Valerian’s chiseled features morph in rage, his transformed hands dragging across the shopkeeper’s face while planting his feet in the demon’s chest and forcing a gust of smoke and hot air with a push of his palms to break away. His opponent doesn’t give up ground, raking a flaming hand down his side before he lands on the floor. He lets out a roar that makes me want to fly out of my chair and do something to help.
Alder isn’t faring much better. Even with his massive size, he doesn’t have much advantage over the two demons double teaming him. They’re faster, using their quick moves to get in his blind spots and swipe at him. What’s left of his shirt hangs in tatters from his body, showing the angry red welts and oozing cuts from their attacks no matter how many volleys of fire he blasts at them from his clenched fists.
Each panicked breath I drag in is tinged with smoke. I cough, tears welling in my eyes. I can’t get out of the chair no matter how hard I struggle.
One of the demons Alder is dealing with peels off and jumps on the bed, peering down at me with a sickening fanged grin. The demon’s claws recede and he grabs me by my hair. Gritting my teeth against the searing pain in my scalp, I shrink away instinctively, knowing it does nothing to protect me. Instead of worrying about how I’m about to get sliced to pieces, my focus shifts to the others.
This is bad. The fierce desire to help them screams at me. I hate the three of them…but they’re better than the monsters attacking us.
If I hadn’t done the dare, we wouldn’t be in this mess. I would go on living my miserable life and they would still be guarding the gate to Hell.
Valerian was wrong. The demons haven’t come for me. They’ve come for all of us. To kill meandthem.
My throat closes as I accept death. The demons beyond the gate I opened expect a soul, and they’re succeeding. At least my shitty existence will end in an epic way. No isekai hit and run or falling down the stairs, I’m going all out with a paranormal attack. I close my eyes.
A fierce, guttural roar across the room makes them snap open again.
“No!” Alder bellows. “Don’t touch her!”
He has the other demon he’s fighting incapacitated in a hold, brawny muscles flexing. He snaps the demon’s neck with inhuman force, dropping the crumpled body before barreling across the room to stand between my attacker and me. There’s barely any room for his huge frame, but he wedges between us, acting as my shield.
My heart clenches painfully. No one has ever cared about my safety. Never, not even as a small girl.
The demon on the bed screeches, fisting my hair tighter and yanking hard. A pained scream tears from me.
Seething, Alder slams his bright red smoldering fist down on the demon’s arm to weaken the hold on my hair. The fucker doesn’t budge, tearing some strands from my scalp. I grit my teeth while Alder grabs the demon’s limb, digging in hard. From the corner of my eye, I gape in disbelief as the demon’s arm melts, the leathery flesh bubbling and oozing pus as Alder’s unyielding molten hot grip burns through tissue until he reaches bone. Once he does, he bares his fanged teeth with a growl and closes his fist with a stomach-churningcrunch, destroying the bone with insane strength.
Holy shit.
The counterattack earns him a few seconds. Instead of pressing the advantage while the demon is down, writhing in pain, he reaches back and grabs my restraints, putting my safety before his own. With a sharp tug, his claws slice through them, freeing me from the chair. I spring to my feet and back away, fighting the urge to hug the guy who was prepared to kill me the night we met for saving me.
“Stay down and behind me.” The second the clipped words leave him, the demon is up on his feet, ready with another attack despite missing an arm. “You won’t have her.”
Something cinches tight in my chest at his protective tone. His back muscles ripple as he takes up a fighting stance. The Henley shirt is nothing but scraps of fabric dangling from his body. My gaze flies down his body, taking in the wounds he’s sustained. Something else catches my eye, illuminated by the fire eating away at the motel room. Markings cover his torso and arms.
The air in my lungs punches out of me. They look similar to my burn scars. Is this why he was mad I had them? Because he knows? An ache pangs in my chest, questions tugging at me. I wonder how he got them, if they bother him.
An ugly painting decorating the room crashes to the floor from its hanging spot on the wall, snapping me out of it. The room is still very much on fire and we’re still in the midst of fighting demons that want to kill us. I don’t have time to think about this now.