“I’ll always know how to find you. I’ll enjoy it every time I have to hunt you down until we fulfill our duty and take what’s ours.” He frowns, backing away. He holds my gaze a beat longer, as if he wants to memorize me before tearing his attention away. “Time is almost up.”
A shiver races down my spine at his deadly tone. I search for something to throw at him without taking my eyes off him. Marie’s clock is too far, and my pillow won’t make a satisfactory weapon. Phone it is. Gritting my teeth, I reach for it beneath my pillow. He watches, completely unthreatened.
Oh yeah?
With a vicious grunt I lob it right at his head, crowing in triumph when it clocks him across his brow. His head jerks and he allows my phone to clatter to the floor. Regret fills me immediately when he’s unharmed. I probably just broke my phone for nothing.
“Shit,” I bite out, scooting to the edge of the mattress to rescue my phone.
When I look up, Alder has vanished, melting into the shadows like a fucking creeper. Just like the others. I sit up all night, unable to go back to bed in case he comes back and decides to smother me in my sleep after all once he’s finished sniffing me.
* * *
The seventh daycomes and goes and I’m still here, so take that legend. I knew it was all fake.
Each day that passes helps me breathe easier.
It’s not until halfway through the following week that I realize between my encounters with all three of them that I talked more to those assholes—and didn’t hide the sarcastic remarks I’d normally keep to myself—more than I have in years. It’s noticeable because I’ve spent the last four days practically silent around Mrs. T, Marie, and the other girls in the house. A new girl arrived this week, the youngest out of all of us, and Mrs. T is already marking the days on the calendar until I’m gone so the newbie can have my bed instead of the pullout couch.
The sooner my birthday comes on Halloween, the sooner I can get out of this town. Two more weeks. I can make it through that.
It’s dark when I’m done poking my head in every single shop on the main street looking for part-time work. They all turned me down. I figured, but I had to try. I really need money to get me started once I age out.
“That hundred bucks you’re gatekeeping is mine, Jessica.” I cross my arms over my chest and ignore the sidelong looks from an older couple passing me.
I mull over my options. I could try the diner again. Diners always need help. I’d rather do that than hustle home to make it for Mrs. Talbot’s house dinner.
When I turn to head back the direction I came, hands grab at me, yanking on my cropped hoodie and my high-waisted shorts. Before I so much as flail or scream, they cover my mouth. I’m lifted off the ground and carried down one of the narrow alleys between the buildings with my legs kicking. I suck in stinging, forceful breaths through my nose and aim a merciless elbow jab at the guy holding me. He grunts.
“I warned you, Lily Sloane,” Valerian growls in my ear. “Time to pay the price. For all the trouble you’ve caused us, your soul is going to taste so fucking sweet. No more mercy, no matter what you are. You’re done.”
Oh shit. Ohshit.
My struggling becomes more frantic, survival mode kicking in. He sounds way too serious, making me uneasy. This doesn’t feel like it’s about a stupid prank. I thought I’d escaped and they’d knock it off. We’re well past the seven nights crap they mentioned in the graveyard to freak me out. The anxiety I kept at bay when they taunted me for a week floods back in a dizzying rush.
How does he know my name? Alder creeping into my room in the middle of the night last week springs to mind. I bet anything he scoped out my name taped to the door.
No matter how hard I kick and flail, I can’t get free. Valerian holds me with minimal effort, moving further into the shadowy alley. Once he’s satisfied, he dumps me on my feet and slams my back against the wall. I wince, smothering a pained sound.
“Fucking bastard,” I spit.
“Hold her,” he commands.
I freeze when he steps away, Matthias taking his place when he melts out of the darkness. He grasps my waist, pinning me in place with equally little effort while Valerian leans against the brick wall beside us, watching with an infuriating cunning gaze. It probably helps that I stopped struggling, too stunned to process what’s happening like a dumb bitch inviting death and worse things by not fighting my way out of this.
Snapping out of it, I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. “What about vinyl?”
“Duty calls.” Matthias’ mutter is detached, void of his typical carefree spirit. The hard glint in those gold eyes that were so warm when he looked at me in the record shop squeezes my heart. “Even though your scent’s got us curious, you opened the gate. That’s not a fate I can save you from. It is what it is, lost girl.”
What, are they part of a cult that kills people and covers it up with the urban legend of the gate?
“No.” I shake my head, flinching as he massages my waist. “No, it’s not real. You’re being crazy. It was a dare. A stupid fucking prank.”
He nods with a sigh, pressing a quick kiss to my forehead. I pound my fists against his chest, hatred welling in me until it feels like I’ll burst. My palms prickle with a needle-like sensation and I swear the ground beneath us tremors. Fear rockets through me, making it difficult to breathe.
“You’re sure? No take backs.” Matthias directs the question at Valerian, studying my face in wonder. “You feel that, right? Because that’s not me.”
“I knew I should’ve brought Alder instead,” Valerian grits out. “Just end the girl, collect her soul, and be fucking done with it. This fascination has run its course. We’re over the limit. If we don’t return to our guard posts, we’re in a heap of shit with the council.”