Narrowing my eyes, I push up from my chair, satisfied when he inhales sharply and gives up his ground rather than touch me. That’s more like it. I sock him in the arm, shoving aside the flash of fear that tells me bad things happen if I touch others. He makes another humored sound. It’s creepy to see him laughing, his brooding sneer turning into a vicious smirk.
“Was that feeble attack meant to hurt me?” He tilts his head so his tousled dark hair falls in his face. “None of you ever learn.”
“That’s for the other night. Fuck you and your buddies for the trick you played on me. Did the girls at Talbot House put you up to it?”
I shut down the computer, ignoring the press of his eyes on my back. In the reflection of the monitor, I find his attention locked on the swell of my round ass. Gritting my teeth, I shove past him and make for the exit. I got the explanation I came here for. No more nightmares for me. The corner of my mouth lifts until I register Valerian’s smoky, slightly bitter scent and the thud of his boots.
“Are you still following me?” I imitate his accent and moody tone. “I thought you wanted to be rid of me.”
He waits until we’re on the cracked sidewalk in front of the building, almost sounding like it costs him to admit, “You…smell different than most humans. It’s the only thing that’s earned you our mercy so far. A mere curiosity we wish to satisfy before fulfilling our duty.”
Great, now he’s insulting me. Is he kidding me? I smell?
“Sorry for offending you,” I sneer. “The deodorant provided by group homes is the cheapest the state budget can skate by with.”
His brow furrows as he stares at me. I get the vibe that he’s the brains between the three of them, the type who doesn’t get surprised easily because he’s already thought of every possible outcome of a situation. For all I know, I’ve crossed a small-time gang that believes they run this town. A bit out of place for middle of nowhere Pennsylvania, but the powerful way he holds himself fits, like he doesn’t believe anyone can go up against him and win.
“You’re impossible.” His mutter seems to be meant more for himself than in response to me. “Such a strange black cat. I will figure out what you are.”
Impossible. The same thing he said in the graveyard.
Oddly, the word resonates, colliding with me like a brick to the chest. I swallow past the lump that lodges in my throat and whirl to tell him off for being the world’s biggest douche. Except—he’s gone.
The words die on my tongue as I glance around. How did he muffle his footsteps? Whatever. I don’t care.
I smirk, continuing down the main road while picturing him scurrying away to keep the mysterious illusion that he can simply vanish. He probably squeezed his sexy, emo ass down one of the tight alleyways that run between the shops.
A curiosities storefront catches my attention. I missed this during the drive in. Stopping, I peer at the items on display. It’s interesting until I spot something that makes me roll my eyes—a homemade pamphlet on the cemetery. The headline readsopen the gate…if you dare. Ugh, stupid legend crap.
“Hey, pretty thing,” a charming voice says behind me. “I missed you. Couldn’t stand watching from afar anymore. Are you on an adventure today?”
I spin to face another guy from the graveyard. Matthias, the flirty fuckboy with handsome boyish features. He leans against the brick exterior, messy white blond hair moving in the wind and full lips curved in an easy, lopsided smile complete with a damn dimple.
Small fucking town. I resign myself to the torment of running into the guys who pranked me for the next few weeks until I ditch this place.
Unlike his morose counterpart, Matthias wears a distressed band t-shirt that looks vintage and stretches perfectly around his biceps, black jeans with the knees sliced open, and a flannel shirt tied around his hips. It gives me a good view of the tattoos decorating his arms. The ink is a collection of styles and trends, everything from a badass lunar moth to a bright blue dolphin that would seem random if the rest weren’t also such an eclectic mix.
Shit. If I didn’t hate him for taking part in the prank on me, I would totally be into him. Compared to the others, he gives off a more approachable vibe, and the mischief dancing in his golden eyes entices me.
This day is shaping up to suck big time. What have I done to deserve this?
Existed, a poisonous corner of my mind whispers.
I huff to dispel the sting piercing my throat. “Watching from afar? Stalker. Why are you following me, too?”
The side of his mouth tugs higher as he checks me out without bothering to hide the sensual drag of his gaze. “Why wouldn’t I? You’re a knockout.”
“I know I look good.” I lift a brow at his grin. No, not every curvy girl spends her days lamenting her body image, thanks very much. “How about the real answer?”
Matthias strokes his chin, his playful demeanor sharpening to seriousness. He glances around as if he’s making sure we’re alone before he murmurs, “I’m drawn to you. The taste I got wasn’t enough. It will never be enough.”
When the words leave him, my heart gives a strange flutter and my chest tightens. His gaze holds mine, those gold eyes brightening as if they’re glowing. But that’s impossible. A trick of the light reflecting off the glass. I can’t look away, my heartbeat thudding.
The moment passes when he pops off the wall, relaxed once more. “It must be the thrill. I haven’t been topside in years. Come on.” He plucks on the suspenders of my skirt with a cheeky wink and nods down the street. “There’s a record shop at the end of this block. Every time I go in, I find gold.”
No. I should definitely turn around and go the other way.
He can’t win me over with that cocky smile after pranking me with his friends. Even if he did, it would end. He’s definitely a player that can’t be tied down, and I’m not keeper material.Lily the reject.