Page 96 of Hell Gate

“Are you hurt?” Valerian grabs my wrist, examining my bloody hands.

I shake my head, leaning into his chest, covering his own torn up wounds. They mend beneath my touch. His arms close around me, speeding my own healing until I’m good as new. I bask in his embrace, breathing him in. He strokes my hair, holding me tight enough to let me know he’s never letting me go.

When he lets me draw back, Alder takes me in his arms. I rub my cheek against his firm chest, passing my hands over him to check for wounds. He kisses the top of my head.

We did it. We’re alive and we won.

I leave Alder’s embrace to hug Matthias the hardest, still rattled from the threat of losing him. He lifts me and spins us around, face buried in my neck.

After he sets me down, the three of them close in around me, enveloping me in their smoky scents. Valerian catches my chin and draws it to him for a kiss while Alder’s hug crushes me against his chest. I turn from Valerian to kiss Matthias. Alder’s fingers move up my throat and he guides my head back to capture my lips for himself.

My heart flutters, brimming with love for my mates.

“If you four are going to fuck, can you give me a warning?” Rainer jokes. “The frenzy of battle does strange things to people. The comedown from all that adrenaline hits hard.”

I laugh, pushing free of the circle. “Thank you for your help. You risked your life for us.”

He smiles softly, patting my shoulder. “I would do it again. I owed Vale a debt, and more than that, he’s my brother in arms.”

“Will you be alright?” I eye Rainer’s blood soaked sleeve, deep gashes from claws cover his skin.

“I’ll heal soon.” He smirks. “I don’t have a mate bond to feed off of. Nifty trick.”

I turn back to our defeated enemies with a frown. “What about any people that want them to rule? It can’t be just them working alone for this long.”

“I believe I’ll take care of that,” a new voice answers.

I whirl around, fire exploding around my fists, prepared to take on a new opponent.

“Your Highness.” Rainer kneels, clasping a fist over his chest.

A moment later, Valerian and Alder do the same. Matthias remains on his feet, inclining his head with a murmur of respect for the demon.

That means—Lucifer.



The king of Hell is tall, with dark disheveled hair, pointed ears, and angelically handsome chiseled features. With one smirk, I know he’s a dangerous, intelligent demon. Like the council, he wears a sharp suit, black with intricate details woven into the silk. A fur-edged cloak perches across his shoulders and rings decorate his fingers.

He surveys the destruction around the misty forest, lingering on each of the demon council that plotted to overthrow him. The corners of his mouth kick up in a smirk.

“Thanks for doing the heavy lifting.” He strolls up to me and touches my face. “Welcome home, Lilith.”

All of us tense at the honeyed tone and the sweep of his eyes roving over me. The guys shift restlessly. This is their king, but I sense through the bond that they’re ready to take him on to fight for me. In the corner of my eye, Rainer clasps Valerian’s shoulder, holding him back, muttering in his ear.

Lucifer’s brow lifts and he glides his fingertips down my neck.

“Hey!” My head jolts back as my three mates surge forward.

“My, my. You charge at your king like that?” Lucifer laughs, holding up a hand.

They freeze as a ring of brilliant blue fire traps them, blocking their path to me. Each of them set their jaws, prepared and willing to walk through fire for me. My heart pounds and panic floods me.

“W-wait. Please.” Lucifer’s attention returns to me. “What do you want? I promise to do anything if you’ll spare them and let them go.”

“What I want?” Lucifer’s smile grows. “What would you like, Lilith? Shall I break the bonds you’ve formed with these demons so you can become the queen of Hell ruling at my side, as you were meant to?”