Page 72 of Hell Gate

In the morning, I smile without opening my eyes, sandwiched between Matthias and Alder in bed. It’s a tight fit, yet I wouldn’t change a thing. As long as I’m surrounded by them, I’m happy.

The bond dances in my chest. I trace my fingers over my heart, so relieved to understand it better. Now I get that it was never about making me choose between what I feel for my three demons, but attempting to guide me to the fated connection I share with each of them.

Stretching, I savor the pleasant ache between my legs from Adler’s knot. His stoic features are softened in sleep, I gaze at him, my heart brimming with the rightness of being his. A soft snore at my back makes me roll over to snuggle beneath Matthias’ chin, smiling fondly at his smoky maple scent. They shift to accommodate me, even in sleep they naturally drift closer to wrap around me.

It’s so simple to just lay here and feel high on absolute bliss.

“You’re awake.”

I twist and pop my head up to see past Alder’s wide shoulders, blinking at the sight of Valerian in the same spot as last night. He didn’t go. “How long have you been there? All night?”

“For most of it.” He smirks at my blush. “I relieved Rainer of his watch at dawn. No demons have tracked us here. It seems we remain safe for the time being, so I can be indulgent.”

I bite my lip, wondering if the indulgence he means is watching me sleep. Hope trickles through me.

As amazing as last night was, I don’t know where we stand. The bond is happy when I’m near Vale and I know I want to be with him, too. He stayed all night, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to touch him as freely as I can with my other two demon mates.

Before I gather the courage to ask, he stands. “Come on. I need to talk to you.”

My stomach clenches. Leaving the safe bubble of this room is daunting.

“What about…”

“They’ll wake soon and join us. For now, let me have you to myself.” He pauses at the door. “I know who you are. Your demon.”

My heart stops, then thuds hard. Reluctantly, I leave Matthias and Alder in bed, grabbing one of their discarded shirts to slip into. I duck into the bathroom quickly, halting at the sight of my neck covered in hickeys. My lips twitch as I prod at them.

Downstairs, Valerian offers me a steaming mug of coffee and leads me out to the balcony. The early morning sun cascades through the trees. We lean against the railing side by side, his wrist ghosting against my arm.

“I’ve suspected who you could be for a while,” he starts. “Part of me might have always known, but I thought it was my own past mistakes twisting my mind into seeing you. I told myself it was impossible. That I’d lost you.”

“You knew me?” My eyes roam the sharp lines of his profile, wishing he’d look at me. “This is from when you were a knight.”

It’s a guess. He nods stiffly, blowing out a breath.

“Since I had myself convinced it was wishful thinking, I’ve ignored the other signs. I should’ve recognized your hellfire right away. And only the most powerful demon lines are known to have more than one fated mate.” A tingle spreads through me when he saysmate. “I should’ve known from the moment I first caught a hint of your faint scent seeping through the cracks in the seal binding you. You’ve always smelled of toasted cinnamon.”

My brows furrow. “At Lane’s cottage, did you know then?”

“It was when I first let myself believe. Even without your memories to confirm it, I know you. I feel you where I thought I never could again.” His throat bobs and he rubs at the center of his chest. “The forbidden bond that almost formed between us doesn’t lie. It didn’t fully form before, but now…”

“Forbidden?” I swallow and pull his hand to my chest by his wrist. His fingers fist the material of my shirt, yanking me closer. My coffee sloshes over the edge of my mug. “Whoever I was, I’m not letting anything come between us.”

The corner of his mouth lifts. “Always so stubborn. I’m glad your fiery spirit isn’t lost.”

Before I demand he stops dragging this out, he pushes an image into my mind—a memory that isn’t my own playing out. It’s…me, but not. The way my dream self is me, though slightly different. In the memory, I have pointed ears, small black horns peeking from longer red hair, fangs, and vibrantly glowing amber eyes. Familiarity tinges the scene as I get in a demon knight’s face, jabbing a pointed, bright crimson claw in his chest.

“You think you get to boss me around and keep me contained? Tough shit. If I wish to go somewhere, you can’t stop me.” I smirk. “And if you think you can, by all means, challenge me. I have no qualms fighting the king’s knights. I relish whooping your asses every chance I get.”

Valerian laughs. “Are you tormenting my knight’s guard yet again, Lilith?”

My smirk stretches into a playful grin when I realize he’s there. “Always. It’s only my favorite pastime. They think they can order me to stay within the castle’s boundaries when everyone knows I prefer to spend my time adventuring throughout the underworld.”

“Dismissed,” Valerian says to the guard who tried to stop me from leaving the courtyard. Once he’s gone, he offers a smirk to match mine. “If you sneak off on one of your adventures, it’s my duty as the knight assigned to guard you to follow.”

My eyes flash with mischief. “Then catch me if you can, Vale. I won’t go easy on you.”

“Always.” He glances around to check if we’re alone before stepping closer. “I like it when you give me a challenge.”