“The lake,” I whisper hoarsely.
“Did you see someone there? A demon?” He moves in front of me, fingers lengthening into claws.
“No.” Fuck, will I ever escape this? I press my face against his back, trembling. “I’m sorry. I’m ruining this.”
“Tell me what’s got you so spooked?” Realizing there’s no actual danger, he turns and wraps me in his arms. His claws recede and he strokes my hair. “It’s okay.”
I take deep gulps of his scent. “I…” My throat constricts. I hate this stupid fear. “I don’t like water.”
His embrace tightens, the pie probably getting squished between us. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry.” He rests his cheek on top of my head. “I wanted to surprise you and show you a good time.”
“It’s not your fault.” I squeeze my eyes shut.
“Will you tell me why you don’t like water?” he murmurs.
I try, but the words won’t come. I blink away tears and soak in his gentle touches. “When I was a kid I had a bad experience.”
It’s an understatement, a mere shadow of the truth, yet he doesn’t push me for more. He just holds me, helping me breathe easier. “I’m sorry.” He presses his lips to my forehead and speaks against my skin. “Let me make it better.”
“How?” I’ve tried so many things to get over my fear.
“We’ll overwrite your bad memories of water with something good.”
My lips slide together. The fact he wants to erase my bad memories touches me, calming the racing beat of my heart. The bond tightens with the hug he gives me.
“Do you still want to have our picnic?”
I lean back, frowning at the pie box. “It got kind of crushed.”
His expression softens and he massages the back of my neck gently. “It’s okay. Or we can go. Anything you need.”
Matthias only wanted to take me on a date. He did this for me and I ruined it.
“I don’t want to go. I want to stay here with you.”
His tender, protective gaze bounces between mine. “I’ll be with you anywhere we go. You never have to worry, mate. I’m with you.”
At my nod, he guides me along the edge of the tree line, keeping us separated from the lake. I can still see it, but it’s better we’re not on its banks. We find a spot with a small clearing and he spreads the stolen sheet.
He kicks off his boots and sprawls across it, patting the spot beside him. “Come here, pretty girl.” I follow suit, accepting his encouragement to lean into his side. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah. This is nice.” It’s a relief that I haven’t messed up our date and driven him away. As long as he’s with me, I can survive sitting near the lake.
“Good.” He kisses the top of my head and we sit like that, listening to the rustle of orange leaves overhead until my heart stops beating so hard. Sensing I’m more relaxed, he plays with my hair. “Ready to try your first bite of pie?”
“Close your eyes.”
I tilt my head back and do as he asks. The scent of a campfire and maple gets stronger, winding around me like a phantom caress from my mate. I swallow thickly, waiting. A low, pleased rumble sounds right in front of me and his fingertips touch my lips.
“Open for me, Lily,” he rasps.
I part my lips, gasping at the first buttery sweet taste melting on my tongue. It’s so good, the tartness of apple spiced with cinnamon and the sugary flakes of crust making me moan. He traces my lips reverently.
“You like that.” His mouth captures mine, kissing me deeply. “Keep your eyes closed. Now try this.”
Matthias feeds me another piece, this one smooth, less sweet, but just as delicious. “What is that?”