Page 33 of Up In Smoke

The words weren’t even loud enough for her to hear, but Luke didn’t seem fazed by it at all. “You can. Come on.”

He reached downward and before she knew what was happening, he’d scooped her behind her legs, lifting her from the floor and carrying her—romance movie style—through the small space.

She laughed at the absurdity of it then froze. She’d broken the mood. She’d ruined—

But Luke was laughing at her, too, and none of the heat had left his eyes. Expertly maneuvering her through the doorway and into the dark back room, he set her softly and gently on the bed.

He’d figured it out. He’d figuredherout. She’d screwed and fucked and sated her needs, but she’d never done this.

“I’ve got you.” His whispered words flowed like rivers over her exposed skin. His fingers touched her knee and slid up her leg.

She moved by feel, the apartment still mostly dark, and the room nearing pitch black. She pushed her fingers into the waistband of his pants and began to push downward, but his hand clenched her wrist and stopped her. “Slow.”

Sucking in a breath, she placed her hands on his hips and wondered if she was gripping him tightly enough for him to feel her tension. She had to be. He was reading her like a book.

His mouth traced her lips. Then, as she moved to kiss him back, he skipped away, tracing her jaw up to her ear as his fingers worked magic on her skirt. She felt the soft touch as he dropped it to the floor, sliding his silver touch along her arches as her shoes fell away. She was only in her underwear, not an unfamiliar state, but still feeling so exposed to him despite the darkness.

But then, as he kissed her and seemed to know exactly how to pull her under, she closed her eyes and felt his touch. He skimmed her legs reverently, teasing her and making her gasp. She grabbed for him. Though now, instead of controlling the course of their lovemaking, she was reaching to hold on as her world rocked.

Luke was steady as he removed the last of her clothing and his, as his fingers found her hot and wet and ready for him, but he still didn’t enter her. He didn’t even come close. He touched her, tasted her, drove her to the brink and made her cry out. Ivy could feel the hard length of him against her leg, it was the only thing that kept her from doubting that he was just playing with her, trying to take control and prove he could drive her to need him.

But he could.

She did.

He hooked a hand behind her knee and pulled her leg up over his hip, though she pressed against him, begging him with her motions, he didn’t give in. She wasn’t driving this and she was lost—lost in the sensations he pulled from her and lost in her need for him.

She didn’t need anyone and it was petrifying to let him be in charge. But the way he touched her made it worth giving up her control.

He slowly entered her, holding her hip to keep her from bucking against him and taking him all in one motion. His other hand played with her hair, and he kissed her as though they were sitting on the couch and watching tv. Soft, casual kisses that belied the storm he was brewing under her skin.


“Shhhhhh.” He moved further inside, causing her back to arch even though it didn’t change what she felt. He pulled out before filling her completely and she thought she might cry. If he stopped now, she’d be left devastated. And she’d put herself into this position.

What if he …

But he moved again, filling her and stealing her breath with a sensation bigger and bolder than any she’d known. His breath sighed heavily into her ear, reassuring her than this was just as wild for him as it was for her. She wasn’t the only one.


He drove home, plucking her like a too-tight piano string. She cried out as the sensation flooded her system. But she didn’t come.

He moved again. Whispered her name again. Drove home again.

And again, and again, until they were together one writhing ball of need and desire and flame. When at last he pushed her over the edge, she screamed his name and no amount of shushing her could have prevented it. She didn’t have the wherewithal to doubt him at that point, but she felt his own release through hers, heard his cries, felt the undulation of his whole body.

She breathed him in, still wrapped, warm and sweaty and sated, around him, until she began to come to her senses.

What the hell had she just done?

Chapter Twenty-Six

Luke stared at the ceiling. He was sure as hell awake now.

It had taken quite some time to be sure he wasn't dreaming. He'd been dead asleep between shifts, not sure he'd heard the knocking on his door at first. He'd stumbled his way out, almost falling and cracking his head on his coffee table as he'd hopped into his sweat pants.

Firefighters knew how to sleep, and they knew how to wake up. And they also knew how to do a good handful of things without actually waking up. His first thought was this was someone selling donuts, to raise money for their scouts. A pizza delivery to the wrong place. Maybe the mail carrier with a package he couldn't leave in the box at the front of the unit.