Turning to look at him, Maggie held her hands out toward the mess. “At least I didn’t lose anything I didn’t expect to.”
He nodded, wanting to take her into his arms and comfort her, but that wasn’t his role here. Besides, she’d just broken up with her boyfriend. So he filled the gap between what he wanted and what was appropriate. “They took longer photographing and removing the jewelry from the closet than I expected.”
“I watched, they didn’t touch anything. It was impressive.” They’d watched as special evidence bags were brought in and everything in the hidden compartment was removed with tweezers and gloves.
Though the sofa had been left in the middle of the room, Maggie plopped back onto it, making Sebastian wince. That was not a couch for flopping onto.
She curled her lip and reached around to her back. “The crick in my back from earlier has returned.” Her sigh was weary.
Sebastian held out a hand. “It's getting late.”
It was dark. And, though he’d been watching where he could, he hadn't seen the silver sedan she’d described. But who knew what they’d missed?
It was over for now. They both needed sleep and he needed to know she was safe. “Come stay with me tonight.”
Sebastian felt her fingers slide into his as he realized he might sound like he was offering more than … well, not more thanhewanted, but more than she might want. “I've got a guestroom.”
An expression flickered across her features making him wonder if she wished for something more than the guest room. He pushed a little harder. “You need a good night's sleep somewhere you feel safe.”
But Maggie shook her head at him and pulled her fingers back.Damn.
“I need to stay here. I don't want to leave my home empty.”
If he went home, he didn’t doubt she’d have another night watching the window. She needed to rest. The nap had not been enough.
But he only nodded and didn’t argue. “Do you want me to stay here?”
The relief at him asking showed on her face and he wondered how stressed she actually was about staying here alone. She nodded quickly and asked, “Do you need to get anything?”
He laughed. “I do. I've managed to go through both changes of clothing I carry with me. Unless you want me wearing swim trunks and goggles in the morning, then yes.”
“Why don't you go now? While there's still a little bit of daylight and I'll stay here and put the furniture back together.”
Sebastian refused. “Nope. The furniture can wait till tomorrow. I’m taking you out for a real meal.”
“I have to put the furniture back, I have a client tomorrow.”
Maybe she was too tired to look at it clearly? Sebastian shook his head. “Can you move your client?”
He knew she needed the work, but … “You've slept only four hours in the last two days. Are you really going to be good for your client by morning?”
“I can be,” she said it as though she was trying to talk herself into it.
“I'm sure youcan. Butwillyou? How long is it going to take to put things back? We have to at least put back the foyer, the hallway, the living room, and your office.” He’d saidweand he wondered if she’d caught it. “Can we do that and get you a good night's sleep and get you ready for your client by tomorrow morning?”
She sighed. “No. But maybe if I bump him till noon.”
He waited while she called and told the couple that she’d had a mild family issue. Sebastian felt the sigh of relief through his whole body as she said, “thank you,” and he knew it wasn’t going to be a mad dash or another sleepless night.
“Is it just the one client?”
“Unfortunately, just the one.”
This time when he took her hand, he didn’t let go. He pulled her out the front door and down the steps to the street and put her into the passenger side of his car. When he slid in across from her, he could see she was tired, but the half a meal she’d eaten in the early afternoon wasn’t enough. “The next question is, where do you want to have dinner?”
Maggie only shrugged.