Viktor finally takes a sip of his whiskey, savoring the taste, before setting the glass down with a soft clink. "I think you already know."
I do. Of course I do. That fucking ledger.
The ledger that killed the two people I loved most in this world.
The ledger that is the only thing currently keeping me alive.
Viktor leans in, just enough to make me feel trapped. "I’ll make this easy for you, Anna. Popov wants what’s his. And if he can’t get it, someone has to pay. He needs to maintain his reputation in the community. You understand what I’m saying?"
My stomach turns to lead. I understand perfectly.
I nod once, just enough to acknowledge the threat and force myself to move, to breathe. "I need to step into the back to grab something," I say, keeping my tone even.
Viktor doesn’t stop me. He simply smiles, slow and knowing. "Go ahead. I’m not in a rush."
I turn and walk to the storeroom, careful not to seem too hurried. But the second I’m out of sight, I bolt out the back door, into the alley, my heart hammering against my ribs.
I need to leave. Right now.
I’m not naïve enough to believe Viktor will let me go easily. He’s probably expecting me to run. But I’ve done this before. I’ve escaped before. I can do it again.
This is why I keep a go bag in my car. I can leave on a moment’s notice.
My car is parked a block away. I force myself to walk, not run, even though every instinct screams at me to move faster. If I draw attention, I’ll lose what little head start I have.
I make it to my car, fumble with the keys, and yank the door open. The moment I slide into the driver’s seat, I let out a shaky breath.
My hands finally stop shaking enough to where I only need one try to get the key into the ignition. I twist it, but nothing happens. The engine won’t start.
I try again. Same result. All I hear is a ticking sound. Maybe my battery is dead?
Then, I see the note.
It’s sitting right on my dashboard, a simple piece of paper folded in half. My breath catches as I reach for it with trembling fingers.
Inside, scrawled in neat, careful handwriting, are three words.
You Can’t Run.
Chapter 5
It’s the day of my wedding and my mood is fucking miserable. I’m so short-tempered that I’m taking out my irritation on my best man, who’s also my brother. I’ve been snarling at him and picking arguments all morning. Finally, Nick told me to take a walk because even he couldn’t stand my sorry ass. He said that if I didn’t figure out my shit before Charlotte gets here, he’d punch me.
That made me finally stop and take a breath. Charlotte is doing me a big favor. Even if we both know this wedding isn’t real, she deserves a happy day. Every bride should be happy at their wedding.
Maybe the groom too, but that’s not possible for me. Now that I’ve tasted April and know what it’s like to be buried balls-deep inside her, I don’t know how I’m supposed to survive without experiencing that again.
And she left me. Fucking just snuck out the door while I disposed of the condom.
Even worse, she’s been avoiding me. I’ve tried to text and call, but she’s not returning either. I even went by Lola’s, trying to talk to her, but she kept people around her constantly and had an excuse every time I tried to get her alone.
The weather is as miserable as I am, cold and gray. It’s too chilly to be outside, so I’m hiding in the back of a catering van that’s parked outside the wedding venue.
I sit in the back of the van, arms crossed, staring at the neatly stacked trays of food that will be served at someone else’s reception. We’re not having one.
Although, Nick is hosting a dinner at his house—probably catered, knowing his cooking abilities. The trays smell of garlic, herbs, and something sweet—maybe caramelized onions. It should make me hungry, but my stomach is a tangled knot. A tightening noose of dread.