“We need eyes in there to see what they have planned,” he tells me.
“You know that they stole Jim’s niece, Nori, before she could get here. We need to find out what else they’re going to do.”
I want to point out that they didn’t steal Nori. She found her fated mate in Twisted Oak and is there with him. I know that would only earn me a slap, so I bite my tongue.
“We’re going to send you in. You can apply for a job at the police station. Maybe you can get close to Nori and bring her home,” my brother says.
“You will bring her home,” my dad corrects him, and I swallow hard.
“Yes, sir.”
“You leave in an hour. Get packed,” he snaps before he storms out of my room, my brother hot on his heels.
I turn and grab my suitcase from under my bed. I don’t bother telling them that I’ve had it packed for the last fewmonths. I toss in a few more things, like my shampoo and conditioner, and then zip it closed.
The truth is that I’ve been planning my escape from this house and this pack for years. Ever since I turned eighteen two years ago, I’ve been saving up any money that I can scrounge, even checking our couches for any loose change. I’ve had my bags packed with all of my essentials since then too. I just never had a chance to get out of here. Not until now.
Now is my chance to break free from them. I’ll play along with their plans for a few weeks until I can save up some more money, and then I’ll disappear. I’ll go somewhere where they’ll never find me. Somewhere safe. Somewhere that can be my home.
My bear paws at me, liking that plan, and I smile.
Soon,I promise her.Soon we’ll be happy and safe.
I look out my bedroom window at the pack’s land. Small houses dot the hillside, and I take one last look before I turn and grab my suitcase handle. I’m not going to miss anyone or anything here. This pack and house have been more like a prison for my whole life. I was always judged and watched by people who reported my every move back to my dad and brother. I want to leave and experience freedom. I want to go where no one will care what I’m doing.
I wheel my suitcase out into the hallway and towards the front door. My dad and brother, and Jim, Nori’s uncle, are hunched over the kitchen table, papers and building plans scattered all over the table. I wrinkle my nose when I see Jim. The guy is a creep, and I’ve always hated him. He just gives me a bad feeling.
I sneak closer and get a peek at what they’re working on, but it isn’t much. They turn and spot me, and I suck in a sharp breath.
“I’m ready,” I tell them, and my dad nods, probably pleased to have me getting out of here so quickly.
“Call to check in when you can. We don’t want them to know who you are or why you’re there,” my dad tells me, and I nod.
“I’ll be careful.”
They nod, and I turn, grab my suitcase, and head out to my old car. It was my brother’s before he got a newer model. The thing barely runs, which is also why I never tried to make a run for it. I knew that this piece of junk wouldn’t take me far. I’m not even confident that it will get me to Twisted Oak, and that’s just the next town over.
We could run there,my bear says. She wants out, and I know that it’s been too long since I’ve shifted and let her run, but now is not the time.
Not now. We have our bags, and I don’t know what we’re walking into when we get to the Twisted Oak Pack.
My bear grumbles inside of me, and I try to ignore her as I stop next to my car. I load my suitcase into the back of the car and take one last look around before I climb behind the wheel and start the car. It takes three tries before the engine turns over, and I let out a deep breath as I shift into drive and take off.
My car sputters and threatens to die a few times on the short drive to the Twisted Oak Pack. I pass the sign welcoming me and let out a sigh of relief that I’ve made it. I pull into town and park in front of the police station.
I glance around as I climb out and smile. This place is close to Red Fog, but it’s like night and day. The people here actually seem happy as they walk around. The streets are cleaner, and I feel more optimistic as I step out of my car and head towards the front door, though that may be because I’m away from my family and the watchful eyes of my pack.
Stick to the plan,I remind myself as I grab the door handle and head inside the police station.Apply for the job, save up money, and then disappear.
I paste a smile on my face as I look around the empty station until my eyes land on one officer in the corner.
He turns around to face me, and our eyes lock as the fan blows his scent towards me. My bear and I react at the exact same time.
Mate!She screams excitedly, and I can see the moment that this man realizes it, too.
His eyes light up and he grins as he starts to race towards me.