Page 83 of The Re-Proposal

For me, I’m going to hang with my brother and his family.

But for Joel, he’s going to meet another round of strangers. He probably doesn’t know what to expect.

I kneel in front of him so he can see my face. Sternly, I say, “What you are at this point, Joel, is family. So you don’t have to fake anything.” I pause and then add, “Just don’t mention Clarissa.”

“No promises.”

I shoot him a glare.

He glares back.

Island opens the door. “Hey there!”

“Uncle Cody!” Regan flies like a rocket into my arms.

I heave her up and hug her, smiling at her tiny face. “I see you’ve got a fancy new hairdo.”

“It’s for ballet.” She touches the braided bun at the top of her head. Her sweet brown eyes land on Joel. “Is this my new cousin?”

“Sure is.”

Regan scrambles to be put down. She marches right up to Joel and grabs the handles of the wheelchair. “Whoa. You get to ride this? You’re so cool.”

Joel’s cheeks flush. “Uh, thanks.”

“Can I ride with you?”


“Regan, Joel might not be comfortable with that,” Island says in a patient, motherly tone.

“It’s okay.” Joel glances at Island. “If you don’t mind.”

Island beams. “Of course not.”

“Come here, booger.” I lift Regan and set her on Joel’s knee.

“Hold on,” Joel says. He spins the wheels and they take off. Regan throws her arms up and squeals happily.

Island ushers me inside their brightly lit house and smiles. “He fits right in.”

“It’s more like Regan didn’t give him a choice but to feel welcome.” I give Island a kiss on the cheek. “Where’s Abe?”

“In his room practicing for a new commercial. After he got over thehorror,” she accompanies the word with an eye roll, “of our watch party, he got back on the horse and went for another audition.”

“What’s with the rush to book gigs?”

“He knows who he wants to be and what he wants to do. That’s not a bad thing.”

“He’s only eleven.”

“That’s not too young to know what you want to do with your life. Clay and I support him.”

“Daddy! Look!” Regan squeals from the kitchen. “Joel and I are superheroes! I’m Giraffe Girl. He’s Wheels Boy.”

I smirk.Original.

My brother descends the stairs. “Great job saving the world, sweetheart.”